Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Business online the art of effortless

First time online users usually have no idea how the Internet works. What they probably have heard most is that if they really want to find something they need to find a place called Google or Yahoo and type in what they want in the search field. They may quickly draw conclusions that these search engines are a lot like phone books or dialing information on the telephone. They will likely be further astounded when they discover they can make a purchase on line and then marvel when the package arrives with the item they wanted. At this point they may be hooked on the idea that they can shop from the comfort of their home without long lines, rude people and clerks that don’t smile. Every online business owner would love to have a majority of customers who are new and excited about online shopping. Pushy spam laden emails and high-pressure marketing have jaded far too many customers who often have no sense of brand loyalty. However, the hard work of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is rewarded when a new customer easily finds your website through a search engine and compensates you with an order. They don’t have to know about all the work that went into developing the trust required for good positioning in search engines. They don’t have to understand SEO strategies and backlinks. What they do know is they needed something and they found it quickly on your site by using a search engine. Since the majority of web users begin their online exploration using a search engine it makes sense to work to develop your Internet business by using methods that get you noticed by both customers and search sites. There is a growing number of web users that have some idea of techniques associated with marketing a website, but for most the world of online marketing is a bit like addressing someone in a foreign language. It makes little sense to them and they honestly aren’t all that interested. Perhaps the biggest problem is when a new Internet business owner doesn’t take online marketing seriously. When a business owner tries to simply market their website the same way they might market a brick and mortar store they really miss the point of owning a business online. Their strategies will likely be to promote the website on business cards and local and regional advertising. Don’t get me wrong, these are great offline strategies, but they do nothing to tap into a global marketplace because they only customers finding you are the ones that have been handed a card or received a key chain in your immediate region. In ballet the movements are fluid and the lifts are effortless. These athletic dancers can do this because they have trained their bodies to react with grace while tapping into highly developed muscle groups. The audience only sees graceful movement while the ballet dancer feels the muscles burn. This is the picture you should remember when it comes to your online marketing practices. You should work at them with such discipline that your site presence and marketing practices seem effortless. They seem natural because you have done the hard work to make it seem easy which is why online marketing is a discipline you should work at every day to some degree. Your audience (potential customer) is waiting to watch you dance.

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