Sunday, September 25, 2016

The joys of freelance home writing

Freelance writing can be one of the most profitable and enjoyable ways to earn a living from the comfort of your home. With thousands of business owners and online sites calling for content, there is a great need for independent contract writers who have the skill and time to create relevant copy. Whether you are a parent who desires to stay home with children or someone who simply wants the freedom the work from home profession provides, the benefits of freelance writing from home are abundant. This type of home job allows you the liberty to work any time that works best with your personal schedule. No more clocking-in or fighting rush hour traffic. If you are a night owl, you can write at 2 a. m. If you have small children, write at nap time. Work in your pajamas, robe or favorite sweat pants. If you want a two-week vacation, you simply take a two-week vacation. As a freelance writer, you are in charge of the who, what, where and whens. Although a background in writing is helpful, it is not necessary to break into the field of freelance writing. Often a potential employer who needs a writer will want to view samples of work. The experienced writer can use pieces from a portfolio, while an inexperienced writer can quickly create a few samples of writing to display his or her abilities. Many professional freelance writers offer sites to display sections of their work. Peruse these sites, study the types of writing they are creating, and then write your own samples based on your personal style and interests. By having a group of sample articles ready to go, you will be able to respond immediately to people looking for writers when you come across the opportunity. Seeking out these writer openings may seem overwhelming at first. However, by visiting writers’ job forums and websites hosted by writers’ magazines, you pick up on new opportunities to get in the game. Once you have a few writing jobs under your belt, it will be even easier to obtain new work, and soon you will likely find yourself being able to pick and choose jobs to find the areas that interest you most. If you enjoy researching and writing and possess the skills to write well, you may discover you are in love with a new career path that offers significantly more freedom and creativity than any 9 to 5 office job.

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