Sunday, September 4, 2016

Breaking the antichrist code

: Blueprint of Deception The beginning of the human race, the fall of Adam & Eve, fallen angels among us, the Antichrist, and end times prophecy, this is all red hot subject matter. People want to know the truth about their spiritual heritage and the connection of that heritage to earth’s history and what they see going on today. Are we near the prophetic end of the world? "Breaking the Antichrist Code: The Blueprint of Deception", authored by Drs. Eric and Maria vonAnderseck, delivers on its promise to provide in-depth coverage on these subjects. This compelling book includes a fascinating look into angelic phenomena, angelic rank, angelic orders, holy angels verses fallen angels, angelic function and angelic power, both in the heavens, the earth, and inside the human being. Unmasking the Antichrist Additionally, the authors unmask the Antichrist spirit as Satan himself, warning readers that if the coming rulership of the Antichrist man poses a crisis for the human race, then the present work of the Antichrist spirit here and now also poses a crisis for the human race. The authors conduct a ground breaking five part examination into Satan’s psychological history, beginning with his open threat towards the human race. In Satan’s own words to Adam, "Inasmuch as we do not know the day agreed upon with you by your God, nor the hour in which thou shalt be delivered, for that reason will we multiply war and murder upon thee and thy seed after thee. This is our will and our good pleasure, that we may not leave one of the sons of men to inherit our orders in heaven" (The First Book of Adam and Eve chap 57, verse 8-9). This book takes Satan’s threat to destroy the human race seriously by looking at his intrusion into this dimension, his successful campaign against Adam and Eve, and his continued propagation of thousands of falsehoods throughout the world. Satan’s psych history is the necessary backdrop to understand Adam and Eve’s initial act of independence from God and how this separation from God is carried in the human psyche today, giving rise to spiritual separation anxiety and catapulting the human race into a life long spiritual journey home; a journey that touches the heart of every human being. Fallen Angels Have fallen angels capitalized on these deep seated human issues by creating knowledge industries that merchandise our spiritual condition; offering thousands of mitigation tools, coping mechanisms, and spiritual programs that play upon the symptoms of spiritual separation from God but do not provide a complete remedy? Exploring the behind-the-scene rivalry and collusion of the angelic orders of Satan and the Watchers the authors ask, “What pushed these two groups of hostile angels to the point of desperation to act independent of God’s counsel and set up their own global religions and political systems that promised peace and security for all? Getting at the Truth Peeling back the multiple layers of Satan’s fraud, the authors tie ancient histories mysteries to the fallen Watchers (angles) and the 13 Princes of Satan’s Kingdoms and their global psychogenic network that began in the dawn of civilization and continues to this today; and how their spiritual influence has reached even inside the Christian Church, as foretold by the early prophets and warned by the first century apostles. A very special section in the book investigates the cryptic language of symbols on petraglyphs and geoglyphs, ancient architecture, crop circles, and religious iconography. The authors reveal how fallen angels are able to use these symbols to tap into our connected psyche and speak so deeply of inner truths we all know and hold dear. In this Christian book apostle Eric sheds much needed light on Adam & Eve's displacement anxiety, forced acculturation, the Watcher colonization of earth, and the new world order they created. With ease and simple language, the authors unlock the mysteries surrounding Adam's original form, purpose, and destiny and details how his expulsion from God's light produced agonizing psychological effects, which made him vulnerable to the influences of the Watchers and Satan. He further reveals the hybridization program of the Watchers and how this acculturated and colonized mankind on the earth with an angelic orientation system that was not designed by God for usage by the human race. We need to know that our spiritual crisis did not take place in a vacuum; it took place in a world that changed ever since the Antichrist spirit came on the scene. This book answers the million dollar question: What happened in the Garden of Eden, and how did Satan get a foothold in this dimension in the first place—and what can we do about it?

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