Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The cons of home intruder alarms

The Cons Of Home Intruder Alarms Although home intruder alarms are thought of being an integral aspect of home security, research has shown that these alarms aren’t difficult at all for professional burglars. The reason for this is due to the fact that most homeowners tend to forget to set the alarm or fails to lock up the windows and doors like they should. Although the technology behind home intruder alarms is great, the technology can’t really do anything for you unless you use it properly. Even though you may set your alarms when you leave, there is always that one chance that you may forget. On that very day that you forget a burglar can easily cash in on your mistake and break into your home. Most professional burglars are very familiar with home intruder alarms and know exactly how to deal with them. Even though you may have the most expensive alarm on the market today, it won’t be able to do anything if you forget to program it. Almost all home intruder alarms need to have the windows and doors properly shut before they are activated. When you enter or leave your home, you’ll need to enter a password into the control panel to activate or deactivate the alarm. If you arrive home and forget to deactivate the system, it could go off on you. This can be very embarrassing, especially if the alarm sounds and the police show up – only to find that you are trying to “break in” to your own home! Most burglars out there can rob a home in as little as 15 minutes. Although some burglars choose to work with others, most prefer to work along. The experienced burglars almost always do their research first, and go from there. A professional burglar will never enter a home he isn’t familiar with, for the simple fact that he could get caught. Instead, he will spend a lot of time studying the home and the family. If there is a home intruder alarm present, the burglar will watch from the shadows until he has learned how the system works. Once he sees that you have failed to input your password or activate the system, he will make his move. Once the burglar is inside the house and the alarm is off – he can be nearly impossible to catch. If the alarm is set and the burglar happens to trip it, he will immediately flee from the area and move on to a different home. Home intruder alarms can be very loud, with most contacting the police or other law enforcement agency the second they notice a break in. Even though they may have their faults – home intruder alarms are still great to use with home security as long as you remember to activate them before you leave your house. (word count 469)

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