Sunday, October 2, 2016

Storage is key for wine collections

Storage is absolutely key to the success of any wine collection. Anyone who enjoys collecting fine wines will want to look for the best available wine storage options. There are many different ways to properly store wine, but regardless of which wine storage solution is ultimately chosen it will critical to keep the storage conditions constant. A constant temperature of constant 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit must be maintained within any wine storage space. The wine storage should be as far away from the main area of the house as possible, and there must also be plenty of ventilation in the selected area. The wine collection must not suffer too much vibration and any light sources should be kept to a minimum. Absolutely no sunlight should be permitted to reach the wine storage area. Of course a wine cellar can be used for wine storage or a special cooler can be built. Wine racks are, predictably, a necessary part of any wine storage solution. Wine racks can be made of metal or wood, and the wine storage chosen is primarily a matter of personal taste. While both kinds of rack building material are attractive to look at, the metal racks tend to be more flamboyant and stylish while the wood racks are often considered more classic and traditional in style. It may be preferable to choose racks in order to have them match the rest the chosen wine storage solution. These final choices will be influenced to a certain degree by whether or not the wine cellar is intended to be shown off to friends and colleagues. If it is, then the wine storage solutions will need to appear more coordinated. Either way it's not a bad idea to look into wine racks and other wine storage options that will all look good together. This helps to create a wine storage area that looks like it belongs to a professional wine collector. It's not difficult to accomplish, but it can cost a bit of cash. Temporary wine storage options are, customarily, a little simpler. Immediately prior to serving a wine it will probably need to be chilled, depending of course on what kind of wine it is. In order to store wine for chilling, look into cool wine storage solutions. Available in many department stores or wine stores, wine coolers are easy to find. Even the Internet is an excellent resource for finding these types of wine storage options.

When your website need a dedicated ip address

For the basic needs, when you are running a ecommerce website, and you look forward to have own ssl certificate. Then its time to get a dedicated IP address. It’s the requirement for applying for a ssl certificate. Else you will be using the free shared ssl, which appear to have extra steps for users to make payment after they checkout. Private SSL are essential for your ecommerce store. In fact dedicated IP address, allow your website to be access directly through IP address instead of domain name. This is a extra advantage in term of speed of locating the website and speed of retrieving content. In large website architecture, each website will be having their own dedicated IP address. Its not build on shared ip address platform, which appear to be the ‘budget’ solution. If you need a fast website, get a dedicated IP. Its appear that recent months, some ISP are blocking certain IP address, especially the China ISP are blocking the IP address to certain US hosting provider website. With the blocking, the website is not accessible by china visitors. For this, you will need to find a dedicated IP address, and you will free from the blocking issue. When there is a need, you will need to look for a dedicated IP address. Look at ixwebhosting as a sample. I run a ixwebhosting review at ixwebhostingreview. org/ and you can view their dedicated ip details at this page ixwebhostingreview. org/ixwebhosting/ixwebhosting-dedicated-ip/ Ixwebhosting is offering up to 16 free dedicated IP per hosting account. And its all free ip address.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Avoiding big problems with a little time spent transferring balances

Balance transfer credit cards can be many things. On the surface, yes, they excel as credit cards that permit an individual to consolidate his or her other credit card balances onto one piece of plastic, but what else can they do? Not much research has been done into the question, though I am thoroughly convinced they can be used as a method to cut down on crime. Allow me to explain. Let's say, hypothetically, I happened to be in serious credit card debt. Like many Americans, I took out more credit cards to pay off old ones, effectively closing myself in a nasty little circle. Having multiple cards, I was getting charged interest rates and late fees on each one, killing my chances of ever paying them all off. The stress and strain of always worrying about my finances began to wear down on me. Nights would go by where I could not sleep, partially due to my worrying, and partially because I couldn't stop planning witty retorts for creditors that were calling me at all hours wondering just where the hell their money was. Oh, yeah, this is hypothetical still. Really. So finally on a rainy Tuesday in the awful month of March, I snapped. How it happened was kind of funny. See, I was getting paranoid, probably from not sleeping. I started confusing the creditors with my company's upper management. Anyone wearing a suit that cost more than $300 became suspect. So my boss called me in for my annual review and strategy brainstorming. I sat there white-knuckled, pouring sweat, as he talked about things like "trimming the fat" and "hunting down clients that haven't paid like the savages they are." I thought the hammer was coming down, so I seized him by his trendy tie and comb-over, threw him into his charity golf event trophy case, and fled the scene. Knowing I was guilty of assault, I proceeded to lose all self control. I began, again, hypothetically (I swear), robbing liquor stores and girl scouts on their cookie routes all across the country. I thought if I could steal enough money to pay off my multiple credit cards, I'd be free of my nightmare. Ironically, the real nightmare was when I ended up spending five nights in a Reno prison for mugging an old woman that was really a 25 year old cop who had a thing for off-duty cross dressing. Now how could I have avoided this entirely untrue story that did not occur two months ago? Well, I could have not been born a complete maniac, yes, though there is another way. Let's pretend I had transferred all of my credit card balances onto a balance transfer card. With only one interest rate, and hopefully no (but probably one) set of late fees, my debt would have been easier to carry and manage. If I had done that, perhaps I wouldn't have come to know an ambitious cell mate named Benny who kept mistaking me for a woman named Rita. The point I want to make, aside from stay away from poorly dressed bag-ladies in Reno, is that balance transfer cards are a convenient answer to a common problem. Plenty of people I know have taken out multiple credit cards to pay off other cards. If you find yourself in such a cycle, consider loading all your troubles onto one balance transfer card. Or, you could always do what I did. What I hypothetically did. Yes. Right.

So you want to be a work from home mom

What exactly are the options for a mom to make money at home? Unfortunately, there are scams everywhere – some you may have heard of sound too good to be true – and they usually are. Oftentimes, women lose a lot of money before they even find a legitimate opportunity, let alone one that they love. Below, you’ll find a list of popular work from home options. They all have benefits and drawbacks. What may be great for one woman may not even be of interest to another woman. And, of course, research thoroughly before signing any contract. Yes, there are bunches of great, legitimate possibilities out there waiting for you, but you might have to say ‘no’ to a few first before you find the perfect home business for you. Direct Sales (MLM) Why we love it: Where else can you get a business in a box? Seriously, the products have already been made and tested, all the marketing has been created for you, and you are set up on the road to management if you wish. You can see why Direct Sales can be a great way to make money, especially if you find a product, sponsor and company that you love! Why it might not be for you: If the thought of sales makes you turn green from nausea, you might want to consider other options. Internet Auctions Why we love it: It doesn’t get much simpler than online auctions. Sell your worn clothing or used toys. Or, if you’ve got a knack for pricing, you might find some great items at a garage sale that you can turn over for a profit on online auctions. Why it might not be for you: Is your house already too small for you and your family? If you don’t have room to store inventory, then online auctions might not be the business for you. Start a Home Business Why we love it: No matter what your interest is, you can start a business. Sell products or promote a service that makes life easier for other people. Whether you’re considering making crafts or becoming a massage therapist, if you’ve got the entrepreneurial spirit, then go for it! Why it might not be for you: Starting from scratch can be a lot of work with little pay in the beginning. So, really invest a lot of time and energy into research, if you are considering this option. Internet Marketing: Why we love it: Low start up cost and a lot of flexibility. Internet marketing (selling products online, promoting other people’s products, or providing an online service) really is a great option for a lot of moms. Why it might not be for you: Internet marketing has a learning curve, just like any other type of business. Anyone who’s ever had a website knows that “if you build it they will come” is not necessarily true. You have to promote, tweak, test, and learn constantly if you want to become a success in Internet Marketing. It is definitely possible and it is a great option, but don’t go into it thinking you don’t need to invest time and money in yourself and in your business. You do. Surveys for Cash Why we love it: Yes, there really are companies that will pay you to take surveys. In all honesty, you aren’t going to get rich taking surveys, and you’ll spend a lot of time for little money in most cases. But, if you enjoy hanging out on the computer and think it would be fun to do some surveys while you’re chatting with your friends on IM, then it isn’t a bad way to make a few extra dollars here and there. Just be sure to sign up with a free email account (like hotmail or yahoo) so you don’t get flooded with SPAM! Why it might not be for you: If time is short or you need to make a lot of money for your family, then spend your time on something else. Surveys aren’t going to pay your bills. Also, there are some scams that charge you for a list of surveys. Be careful. These are just a few of the many options to make money from home. Follow your heart. Start on the path today to make your dreams come true.

Not all domain names are created equal

Choose the right domain name and your business is one step ahead of competition. Get it wrong and you will get left behind. It's as simple as that. Domain names are fundamental to the ranking of your website in the search engines. And the search engines will account for 90% of the traffic that arrives at your site. You need traffic. Afterall a website without traffic is like a shop empty of any customers. So give the choice of domain a lot of thought. It actually accounts for more than 20% of the factors a search engine considers when ranking your site. In other words get the domain right and you will rank higher and get more traffic...get it wrong and you will be making work for yourself trying harder to get the domain noticed in the search engine listings. So where to start. First and foremost, you need to know your target market. What is the nature of your business. Boil it down to one single word. Any business can be decribed in just one word. What is yours? Don't try to describe your business in 2 words or a phrase. Think again and get it down to one single can be done. Then find a domain that contains this single keyword. But why make one up when you can find one that may already has a search engine listing or at least some back links to it You can find some really great ideas, and absolute bargains by registering an expired domain name. An expired domain is one which the previous registrant has neglected and for whatever reason has decined to re-register. Expired domains can be a real goldmine! A good resource for expired domains and one which I use myself is 'Deleted Domains' at: deleteddomains You can search for domains which have expired within the last 24 hours, last week, or within the 30 or 60 days and which are available to register. The advantage of a deleted domain is that it may already have a search engine presence and if you are really lucky you may find one with a ton of back links to immediately kick-start your search engine marketing. Search for a domain containing your keyword and as few other extra letters as possible. The shorter the domain the better. And keep away from hyphens and numbers. Regardless what you hear on the forums, hyphens and numbers do not help search engine ranking. In fact you want as few charaters as possible. The most important being your actual keyword itself and a ending. So remember, all domain names are NOT created equal when it comes to search engine ranking.

Natural dog joint health supplement velvet antler

Just as we take supplements to stay healthy, our dogs need nutritional supplements to help prevent the damage caused over time to joints, bones, and cartilage and to improve mobility, flexibility, and promote overall energy and well-being. Most dogs who are diagnosed with arthritis or hip dysplaysia are prescribed non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. Many of these drugs actually prevent the growth of collagen in joints, causing further cartilage degeneration. These drugs can also produce other serious side effects such as deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract lining, liver and kidney damage, even death. There are many “natural” joint care supplements on the market with the main focus being on glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate which, conventionally is derived from swine, cattle, and shark cartilage and shellfish remains and requires the destruction of the animal. Velvet antler, however, is an all natural supplement derived from the antler of the male elk. Velvet antler contains 40 key compounds that research has shown rebuild cartilage and bone, build cells and boost energy, reduce infection and inflammation, and protect blood cells, the heart, liver and lungs. Elk have an amazing ability to heal their own broken bones and to recover quickly from damage to muscles and tendons and even to recover from poisonous snake bites in a matter of days. This same ability is what allows the animals to produce huge antlers every year. Velvet antler is harvested from domestic elk under conditions that ensure the comfort and safety of the animals. The antlers are harvested when they are in the soft or “velvet” stage. It is at this stage when the antler has the most nutrients. After the velvet antler is harvested it is wrapped and frozen. It is then taken to a special facility where the whole antler is freeze-dried and made ready for processing. Male elk regrow a new set of velvet antler every year making it the only renewable source of glucosamine and chondroitin, essential nutrients for cartilage and joint support. For more information on velvet antler as an all natural joint health supplement for dogs visit bonusvelvetantler.

Are you one of the 40 000 000 invisible women in our society

It's a sad but true fact that so many women over forty feel invisible. Changing this has become my passion. One of the things that inspired me to do what I now do, after having had an executive position with a telecom giant, was an experience I had one day following one of my seminars. An attractive, well dressed woman came up to me and told me that the thing she hated most about becoming older was that she felt invisible. She explained how, everywhere you look, you see woman in their twenties and thirties being presented as role models for beauty and style. Rarely do you see mature women in TV and print ads and some of the fashion magazines feature teenagers as models. There's only one magazine devoted entirely to the mature woman - More Magazine. Just because we're getting older doesn't mean we have to become an invisible part of society. It doesn't mean we we have to let ourselves go, gain weight and start looking frumpy. My late aunt Josie, while in her eighties, looked like she just stepped off the cover of Vogue whenever she went out. A woman can still look great as she ages if . . . she learns how to do it. Many of the makeup techniques that work on a twenty or thirty year old, are a disaster on the face of a forty five year old woman. Unfortunately, many older women have not yet learned this. As we age, one of the makeup secrets we need to know is that "Less is better." Mistakes in wardrobe are even more apparent. Recently, I was asked by a national magazine to comment on some celebrity women. Here's what I had to say about an outfit that Kim Catrall, who I happen to adore, was wearing: "Belly bearing cutoffs and lace up top are not for the over forty woman. Longer, boy cut shorts and a fuller cut tank with a built-in bra would give her the same bare look." Below are some fashion anchors every woman over forty should have in her wardrobe: - A “Little Black Dress” - Black/Navy Pencil or A-Line Skirt - Black/Navy Slacks/Trousers - Black Cashmere Sweater - White Shirt - Comfortable yet Chic Black 2” heels - Classic Trench Coat Fashion tips: Pants with clean lines, no pockets, no pleats look best on almost every woman because they are slimming. Black or navy will make you look thinner, but add some color with accessories to give your look some flair. Elastic waist pants or skirts are to be avoided at all costs because they flatter no one. Develop a signature. Wear a favorite ring or special bracelet all the time. Something people will always identify and remember about you. The scarf should be a wardrobe staple. Learn how to use it and wear it many ways, such as, looped through your pants as a belt, or tied on the handle of your handbag. If you want to learn all my insider techniques for looking fabulous after forty, fifty, sixty and beyond, visit: Until next time, keep looking your best and claim your power.

Monogram cake toppers

Monogram Cake Toppers Monogram Cake Toppers are becoming a popular way to adorn a wedding cake. One online site researched exclaims monogram cake toppers as all the rage. These cake toppers are usually very simple and elegant. The toppers are readily available at wedding decoration retailers and at a bevy of online retailers. Monogram Cake Toppers are available in endless designs. You can find everything from laser precision cut to glass. The monogram cake toppers are designed with one, two, or three letters. The three letter designed toppers feature the groom's first initial on the right, the brides on the left, and the couple's last name in the middle, oftentimes larger than the other two letters. Two letter designs are usually that of the first initials of both the bride and the groom. When choosing one letter, it is typically representative of the last name of the newlyweds. Metal monogram cake toppers are the most popular. Whether they are made of colored or classic white or yellow gold, they are a timeless and elegant way to remember your special day. The metal designs are precision cut for nice clean edges. These can be made in any color imaginable and are the sometimes embellished in Swarovski crystals. These crystals are hand placed on the cut letters to create beautiful accents to the monogram cake toppers. Acrylic monogram cake toppers are also very nice. Done in the right way they give a ceramic look to the piece and are a little softer than the metal designs. These are usually done with just the basic acrylic material and do not feature the crystal embellishments. Most manufacturers of monogram cake toppers offer a wide variety of styles and fonts. One online site visited offered over 1700 font choices and dozens of colors. The toppers are also available in a variety of sizes ranging from 2 inches to 8 inches. For the larger pieces an extra fee will be added to the monogram cake toppers. The prices for monogram cake toppers vary from the $25.00 single letter design to an elaborate $300.00 crystal laden masterpiece. It is not recommended to wait until the last minute as with most wedding items because the monogram cake toppers take up to seven weeks to deliver. Most sites do offer a rush order, for an additional fee. Not sure what to do after the wedding with your cake topper? Monogram cake toppers solve this problem for you. Instead of storing your cake topper in a box, the flat designs of the monogram cake toppers are easily mountable in a frame. This could be done very easily at home with a little creativity or brought to a local art store for a professional to do. Your cake topper is now a memory to cherish for years to come in your home, not just another dusty box in your basement to keep moving around with you as your family grows. Monogram cake toppers, an elegant and simple way to celebrate your wedding day and a keepsake to last a lifetime. Though a little more costly than the classic cake topper; the sentimental and lasting value is well worth it.

Today s obesity research

Obesity increases a person’s risks for high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as cancers of the breast, endometrium, colon, kidney, and oesophagus. This is why world health officials are putting more money into obesity research and making sure that they get the information that they need to provide us with new ways to battle the new worldwide epidemic that is evolving. Obesity research is crucial in telling us what cause obesity and how we can tackle it. New medical research has shown us that obesity isn’t all down to unhealthy living but it is also narrowed down to what our DNA is made up like. Many people who have had members of their family that have suffered from being overweight or obese will be at a very high risk to suffer the same problems and therefore need to take extra steps to help prevent that from happening. Although genetics play a part in obesity research has shown that unhealthy living with bad diets and no exercise also plays a major part when it comes to obesity. To burn fat we need to burn more than we take in, if we do not exercise then we don’t burn fat therefore inevitably we will end up overweight then obese. Research helps us to know more about the complexities of obesity. Yet, there is so much more for researchers to explore, more time and investment needs to put be into obesity research so we can find more conclusive solutions to battling obesity. Obesity causes major health problems and researches have made note that unless the situation is addressed we can be facing a worldwide problem and breakdown due to obesity. It is a major complication in terms of operations as many doctors and consultants will not anaesthetize any one who is grossly overweight as this is extremely unsafe. Therefore more important medical problems can’t be solved or helped when obesity is a problem. Obesity research is crucial and extremely important when it comes to obesity and its finding needs to have action taken, there are far to many people grappling with the problem of being overweight and loosing the struggle and turning obese. Research finding should be made available in forms of books, television adverts, leaflets and school topics, doing this we will try to save the next generation from falling susceptible to the world wide problem that is obesity!

Home business copywriting ideas

When you do any online research about home based businesses, you will likely find thousands of results that tell you that the most successful and easiest business to start from your home is a copywriting business. You can make a great living without ever having to get dressed or leave the privacy of your own home. Out of all the home businesses that give you the option of solely working from home, such as marketing programs and designing companies, copywriting is still touted to be the best of its kind. The biggest reason that copywriting has been dubbed the perfect at home business is due to the extremely low startup costs. You really don’t have to have any special talent, just be able to write in good English and grammar, mix in a little creativity, and you are raring to go. If you have had any previous writing experience at all, you simply just boot up your computer, and go to work. For those who have little to no experience, but are still interested in starting a copywriting business from home, they should check out one of the many online classes available that teach you the writing basics you will need to know in order to get started. Another benefit of an at home copywriting business is that you have the option of working your day job, and running the business on the side, or just simply depending on your copywriting business for your sole full-time source of income. Few people are able to just up and quit their job to try and work from home, as they don’t have the capital needed to make ends meet while waiting on the profits to start rolling in. Home copywriting is also taking off with stay at home moms who are interested in contributing to the household income while still staying at home to care for their children, they can work when their schedule allows, and care for the family as needed. The best of both worlds all in one tidy package, especially since the money made by these moms is extra income, there is no risk involved, and their family won’t starve if it doesn’t work out. You can start this business no matter how old you are, what gender you are, or what type of physical condition that you are in. If you can write, and are physically able to sit at the computer and type, then you can do this work. The success of your home copywriting business is not affected by changes in the economy. There will still be work for you, even if unemployment rates rise, and the cost of living and interest rates go up. The better the economy, the more work you will probably get, but no matter how bad it is, you will still have work to keep your business afloat, unlike some other home based businesses out there. If you want to earn some extra money, for whatever the reason, then you should consider beginning your own at home copywriting business. If you do good work, and become highly sought after, you may be able to produce enough income to be able to stay at home and work fulltime for yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice to tell your boss goodbye, and know that you would still be financially secure?

Yes you can how to write a report or e course

In my article about offering bonuses, I suggested writing your own report as one possible bonus. You could also write a report or ecourse as a stand-alone product. You may find the very thought of writing these intimidating, so I'll help you get started. I'm assuming you are working with a website or product in a well-defined niche area, one in which you are at least somewhat knowledgeable. I'll also assume you have been writing web copy, articles and/or sales letters. You've already generated lots of information. Whatever you are planning to write always starts with what you know, and the easiest way to get started with that blank page is to make a list. So make a list of what you already know about your topic. Do this quickly; it should be easy because you can just write down the titles of articles you've already written. I'll talk about writing a report, but the only difference between that and an e-course is that an e-course is a step-by-step process. If your information lends itself to that format, then use it instead of the report, which simply provides information; a course leads you through action steps. I'll use my favorite golden retriever example. You've decided to write a report about finding the right puppy. You've already written articles about puppy mills, SPCA and other animal shelters, pet shops and breeders. What haven't you written about - maybe it's classified ads from unknown owners, golden retriever rescue leagues, and buying purebred vs. a mixed breed. You also haven't written about any diseases or other physical disorders common to the breed, which will come into consideration when deciding what puppy to get. There's your list, open to being edited, of course. That's what you know. The next step is to research and fill in some details. You'll also be looking out for things you've forgotten about and important things you don't know, which should be included. You've gotten about 5 pages in writing already done (your articles), you should write a 10-page report at least. You may want to add a few pictures, charts or diagrams, so it may end up being a 15-page report, including cover, table of contents, and resource page. It's good practice to add something to your articles that you've already written, so start your research there. You may find a picture of a puppy mill and an article by someone else that you can add a reference to, giving it's author full credit. You can add links to the SPCA and rescue leagues, and call up a friend who works in a reputable pet shop to ask him a few questions. Quotes from experts also make valuable additions, as do new research findings or news articles. You then tackle each of the additional subjects one at a time. Inevitably, reading about each topic jogs things in your memory that you already know. Write that down quick. It helps when you're doing the final editing and writing to have as much as possible already in your own words. Alright, you've got the subject matter of your report done, but it's all for naught if you haven't got some structural elements in place as well. Use plenty of white space, this gives the reader's eye a rest. Choose an attractive font that is also easy to read. Then focus on what I call the interest-catchers. You can have the most interesting report on the planet, but if your title and cover isn't provocative, creative, intriguing, or otherwise captivating, no one will download and read it. Also, your chapter headings, which will be read in the table of contents, must be engaging. And finally, assuming that somewhere in the report you are promoting yourself, your webpage, your newsletter, your ebook, some action that you want your reader to take...promote with pizzazz. Ask yourself, why would someone feel they HAVE TO click on your link? Make it so. With planning, research, and creativity, your report can establish you as a writer, expert, and trusted information source, so execute it carefully and spread it around. Whether you give it away on it's own, use it as a bonus, or sell it, you will be amazed at how it enhances your online presence and ultimately, profits.

The best online internet business opportunity

: If you're thinking about an easy way to generate income online quickly, legitimately and with very little cash outlay affiliate marketing is your best bet. Affiliates are making lots of money these days because affiliate programs are a win-win for the merchant and affiliate. What is affiliate marketing? Very simply, affiliate marketing is based on the sharing of revenues between the website owner and an online merchant who actually produces and sells a tangible product. This is accomplished when you, the affiliate (who markets and advertises the merchant products or services) refer visitors to the merchant website who then ends up making a purchase. Merchants love affiliates because they provide free advertising and marketing. Affiliates love merchants who offer these plans because it allows them all the benefits of earning great income with none of the headaches of owning a typical business. Here is an example: The majority of affiliate websites are information based – not hard sell product advertisements. Say you have a website all about guitars. People will search for all kinds of guitar related stuff, "guitars", " guitar accessories", " guitar repair" , "guitar strings" etc.. You get the picture. People visit your site filled with great information – people trust you – you are giving them what they want and you're recommending guitar products you feel highly about. You may have an affiliate link that leads to guitarstuff ( merchant site ) where your visitor ends up buying a box of strings. You just made the commission. It's awesome.. So what are the main advantages of affiliate Marketing? 1. You don't need your own products to sell 2. You don't have to process any payment 3. You don't have to handle or ship the products 4. You don't have to handle any complaints 5. You don't have to pay anything to join 6. You can get started immediately, part-time and if you want, gradually go full time.. So now that you understand the basics lets get this understood. It takes knowledge, study and patience. Anyone that tells you any different is dead wrong. Fortunately, if you do study and persist you will make great money. It does work. The nature of affiliate sales marketing is based on doing all the heavy work upfront, which basically requires learning some basic marketing techniques and how to promote and pre-sell products. Once that is done much of the business virtually runs itself. If you hate working for someone else and want to gradually become independent, affiliate marketing is the best online business opportunity out there. Start learning as much as you can now! .. and be willing to spend some time studying. I'm sure you'll find it truly exiting when you log into your paypal or click bank account and see commissions generated by people you've never seen, many while you were probably asleep! Here are some great resources ( see the author bio below ) :

Are you overpaying taxes if you use tax preparation software

For many business owners the answer to this quandary is tax preparation software. Fill out a fairly simple interview, click “print” and out comes a completed return that will pass muster with the IRS. The answer to all your problems…or is it? Can One Software Program Cover All Businesses? Take a moment to consider the wide range of businesses that exist in the United States. Now cut that number down to those that can be categorized as “Internet businesses”. If you were asked to write a business plan to provide web design services to each of these services, how long would it be? It would be huge and completely useless because each business would have different needs. A Internet business selling flowers would have completely different needs from an online bank which would have different needs from a hosting company and so on. The only way you could create a practical plan for all Internet businesses would be to offer a collection of general services they could all use on their sites. Tax preparation software designers have the same problem. There are over 15,000 pages in the tax code and over 100,000 pages of regulations interpreting those pages. Changes are made to the tax code ever year, and new regulations are issued constantly. If one were to create a list of questions for every tax deduction and credit detailed in those pages, the list of questions would be the size of a phone book! Yet, tax software programmers have somehow boiled it all down to a simple 30-minute interview process? Common sense should tell you that doesn’t make sense. As practical matter, tax software programs are designed to make sure that you claim a general set of deductions that are applicable to businesses across all industries. Most programs try to mask this fact by asking you to identify your business before proceeding. For a lark, you might try selecting another industry and then running through the interview process. You will find that the interview process is modified a bit, but you are still being asked the same basic tax deduction questions. If you are only claiming general business tax deductions, you are paying more than you should in taxes. Ask yourself if you have seen any of the following questions in a tax software program interview: Q. Do you store business inventory in your house? Hint: You may be able to claim hundreds or thousands of dollars in deductions. Q. Did you start a pension plan for your employees? Hint: You may be able to claim a tax credit for the next three years totaling $1,500. Q. Do you have a home-based business and a second office? Hint: You may be able to deduct your commuting expenses each day. Yes, commuting expenses. Q. Do you have business meetings at your home? Hint: Did you charge your business for the space? Q. Should you claim the standard mileage rate for your auto or the actual costs? Hint: The standard mileage rate may not the best option. Q. Did you modify your business location to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act? Hint: You may be able to claim a tax credit AND tax deduction for tax savings of $20,000 or more. Q. Did you refinance your home? Hint: The points you paid on your original mortgage are fully deductible now, not over the length of the loan. This represents only the tip of the iceberg of available credits and deductions available to you. Just one of these deductions could save you thousands of dollars in taxes. Yet, you are never going to see these questions raised in a tax software program interview. The tax code and regulations are simply too large to be incorporated into a usable software program. Your business is unique. You face and overcome issues and problems that are unique to your size, financial situation and particular business needs. Don’t short change yourself by limiting your deductions by using tax software programs.

Love my dentist

This is not so much about how to market a dental practice, as it is an illustration of how smart marketing strategy can permeate every aspect of a busy professional service firm. During my last appointment, Dr. Penski and I talked about her practice and approach to marketing. Here's what I learned: Clear Positioning: Fresh out of Georgetown University's Dental School, she couldn't get funding for her vision of a practice that would cater to women. In her words, "Anger was a great motivator," so she set out to fulfill her dream by catering to private-pay professional women and moms, two very influential forces when it comes to how families spend their dental dollars. From the start, she and her business partner knew they would best serve this niche by offering "dentistry with a caring touch." This vision permeates everything, setting a baseline for how they package and promote their services, their approach to sales, the care they provide, and day-to-day performance for the entire staff. Thoughtful Packaging: Dr. Penski explained how they created their practice "identity" on a dime. Over dinner with spouses, the couples discussed how to "package" the new practice including uniforms, office decor, business stationary, and welcome brochure. A husband suggested they use the symbol of a fern, since it was "old, natural, and graceful -- just like they were!" The silhouette of a fern, plucked from Dr. Penski's garden and created on her copy machine, shows up everywhere. Nature is also the theme in the waiting room where you can relax browsing nature art books, listen to soothing spa music and a fountain, and enjoy an herbal neck wrap. The caring touch is reinforced with an album bursting with patient letters, baby announcements, wedding photos, and thank you cards. A photo album of before and after shots demonstrates credibility in yet another way. Smart Promotion: I found Dr. Penski on the Washingtonian Magazine list of top dentists. A smart place to appear, if you're catering to professional women in DC. I immediately knew something was different when the receptionist told me that my first appointment would be for the doctor to get to know me first, as well as assess my dental needs. The day after I made my first appointment, I received a "Welcome to our Practice" package, that included a simple but sincere welcome brochure, medical and insurance forms to complete before my appointment, a health assessment that also asked me, "If there was one thing you could change about your smile, what would it be?" and clear payment policy. All of these things served to set a standard, manage my expectations, welcome me, and connect with me before my appointment. It was also a smart way to start up-selling me even before my first visit. Sophisticated Persuasion: The practice takes a phased approach to bringing a new patient on board. This is also a sophisticated way to build trust and encourage further use of their services. The first appointment was all about assessment and relationship-building. In addition to the most thorough, tooth-by-tooth assessment and set of x-rays I've ever experienced, Dr. Penski took her time getting to know me as a person, about my background, and my concerns or fears about going to the dentist. When I mentioned an interest in whitening my smile, she talked me out of it, showing me how it would look unnatural. My trust in her credibility and interest in my wellbeing continued to deepen. I asked Dr. Penski why, in 30+ years of regular dental care, was this the first time I'd ever received this thorough of a check-up? Her response: they break all the prescribed rules for how much time to spend with each patient, which gives them the freedom to be as thorough as possible. The business model works because they spend more time with higher-paying clients, who specifically value the approach Dr. Penski and her partner take. They don't have to make up for lower insurance reimbursements with a higher volume of patients. There is an overall atmosphere of calm, nurturing focus on each patient. Everyone wins. Before leaving, my second and third appointments were set up for cleaning and another minor procedure. I was up-sold on the spot and happy about it! Relationship-Building Performance: Dr. Penski explained that the cornerstone to the practice is their daily all-staff meeting. Held every morning, they discuss each patient coming in that day as a whole person: her dental treatment, what's going on in her life, what issues or fears she might have about today's procedure, and other things that matter to her experience and treatment. The meetings serve to center and refresh the doctors and staff every day, so that they're really focused on each person as an individual when she arrives. The caring approach and relationship-building performance continued with a follow-up call to see if I had any questions from my first appointment and to provide me contact info for a new doctor referral I mentioned needing as I was leaving. Never did I think I'd become a raving fan of my dentist, but there you have it! When I asked Dr. Penski about what they specifically do to market the practice, she said, "We don't have to market!" The truth is, they market every day because of how they choose to run their practice. Here are some ideas you can borrow to create your own raving fans: 1) Pick a clear niche that you really want to serve and go after it. You've got to really love your niche, or your efforts to penetrate this niche will ring hollow and fall flat. As important: make sure your niche has money to spend and is willing to pay for what you can deliver. 2) Think of ways you can start the marketing process before you even meet new prospects. How do you want them to first know about you (i. e., on the Top 10 List of something that matters to your target audience)? What will build your perceived credibility in the eyes of your target audience (i. e., the album of patient thank you notes and photos in the waitin room)? Surprisingly, Dr. Penski's practice does not have a website, which is an essential marketing tool for any professional service firm! But that doesn't stop them from doing the same things offline through low-cost printed materials and other credibility-raising, trust-building tools. It's how you use these tools that matters. 3) One you've got their attention, what can you do, say or send that will invite prospects to connect with you and set the standard that you are different (i. e., a Welcome Package, self-assessment or maybe a "Checklist to Help You Pick the Right CPA for Your Business")? 4) Be consistent. Does what your firm stands for permeate everything you say, do, offer, print, show and produce? You don't have to have a big marketing budget to infuse your vision into everything you do. 5) Invest in relationships. Would you rather have as many higher-paying, appreciative clients as you choose or be constantly running to keep up with lower-paying, high-maintenance volume? It's a choice you have. 6) Pay attention to the details. Clients who are willing to pay good money for your professional services will not stick around if you don't attend to the details. Dr. Penski's daily staff meeting is her vehicle for making sure nothing falls through the cracks. What's yours? No website, home-grown graphic design, far fewer patients per hour than recommended, chatty staff and personal relationships with patients... Is this any way to run a professional service firm? You bet!

Mortgage terminology that everyone should know

When you are searching for or reading through any mortgage, there are some terms that are vitally important to how you perceive the paperwork. If you aren't familiar with all of the terms, then you might misunderstand what the document is saying and agree to something that you might not mean to. Here are some of the basic terms that you should understand before you sign anything: 1. Creditor – this is the party who is selling, or who holds the current deed to the property that you are buying. They legally own the property and have the legal right to sell it, or secure it by a mortgage. This is usually the mortgage company, bank, or other lending institution. The creditor is also listed as the “mortgagee” or “lender” in some cases. 2. Debtor – this is the party who is buying the property. If you are looking to purchase the property, then the debtor is you. This party must ensure that they are able to repay the mortgage to the creditor before the creditor will sign the mortgage. 3. Conveyance – this is the term for the legal exchange of the property from the creditor to the debtor. 4. Hypothecation – this is just a fancy term for the debt that is incurred by the mortgage. This is what the debtor has when they sign the mortgage and turn over the money to the seller of the property. 5. Redemption – this is when the mortgage, or debt, is paid in full. 6. Mortgage by demise – this is when the creditor assumes ownership of the property until the debt is paid in full. This form of mortgage was widely used in the past, but is seldom used today, and is even outlawed in some countries. 7. Mortgage by legal charge – this is the basic type of mortgage that is available to day. In this case, the debtor (or buyer) is legally the owner of the property, but the creditor retains enough rights over the property to ensure that they will be paid. There are many more mortgage terms that you should be familiar with when searching for a mortgage. You should make sure that you are aware of other terms that you might need to know before you head into a mortgage broker's office to sign any paperwork. Hopefully these terms help to give you a little more of an idea of what you are signing when you do make it to that part in the process.