Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Great barrier reef vacation at south long island nature lodge in the whitsundays

For the top Great Barrier Reef vacation you will find the South Long Island Nature Lodge in the Whitsundays comes top of the list . It is an adult only very secluded island retreat accessible only by helicopter, catering for a maximum of ten guests. This is the place for a luxury Australia vacation with fine dining, premium Australian wines, incredibly personalised service in a totally unspoilt part of Australia. The Whitsundays consist of 74 islands of which 8 are inhabited lying midway along the Queensland coast, bordered by the Great Barrier Reef and cradled by the Coral Sea South Long Island Nature Lodge has an all inclusive tariff except for wine and beers includes private helicopter tours, and private catamaran yacht cruises to explore the coral gardens, deserted beaches and the unique wild life in this part of the Whitsundays. South Long Island Nature Lodge has just ten superb waterfront bungalows overlooking the private beach of Paradise Bay and is a perfect escape for a top Great Barrier Reef vacation, as this is the most secluded and unspoilt location in the Whitsundays. The bungalows are right on the waterfront, surrounded by tropical rainforest with spectacular views of Paradise Bay. . Possibly the most spectacular time you will have at the Lodge is when you are taken by helicopter out to The outer Great Barrier Reef, and there really is nothing to beat a view of the reef from the air, stretched out below you. It will also take you to Whitehaven beach possibly one of the most beautiful places in the world. Fine dining is a necessity for a vacation to be truly successful and this luxury Australian Vacation to South Long Island Nature Lodge will give you fine dining every night, with fresh local produce, and some of the best seafood you will get anywhere. The chef will basically cook whatever your dietary requirements and food fads are, it is that personal a service. Food is eaten dinner part style , under a thousand star sky overlooking the beach. This enables you to meet and get to know people you’d never normally chat to, and have some scintillating conversations. The South Long Island Nature Lodge really is paradise for the stressed executive and partner, with never more than ten guests, no televisions, no young children, no mobile phones, and no day visitors to disturb you. It’s like your own private island, with your own chef, and boat skipper at your beck and call, and a hostess to ensure your every whim is met. All of which makes for a perfect Australia Luxury Vacation. For more information on Australia Holiday Hideaways go to worldwidevacationspots/categories/Oceania%26%2339%3Bs-Hidden-Hotels/Australia/

Business online the art of effortless

First time online users usually have no idea how the Internet works. What they probably have heard most is that if they really want to find something they need to find a place called Google or Yahoo and type in what they want in the search field. They may quickly draw conclusions that these search engines are a lot like phone books or dialing information on the telephone. They will likely be further astounded when they discover they can make a purchase on line and then marvel when the package arrives with the item they wanted. At this point they may be hooked on the idea that they can shop from the comfort of their home without long lines, rude people and clerks that don’t smile. Every online business owner would love to have a majority of customers who are new and excited about online shopping. Pushy spam laden emails and high-pressure marketing have jaded far too many customers who often have no sense of brand loyalty. However, the hard work of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is rewarded when a new customer easily finds your website through a search engine and compensates you with an order. They don’t have to know about all the work that went into developing the trust required for good positioning in search engines. They don’t have to understand SEO strategies and backlinks. What they do know is they needed something and they found it quickly on your site by using a search engine. Since the majority of web users begin their online exploration using a search engine it makes sense to work to develop your Internet business by using methods that get you noticed by both customers and search sites. There is a growing number of web users that have some idea of techniques associated with marketing a website, but for most the world of online marketing is a bit like addressing someone in a foreign language. It makes little sense to them and they honestly aren’t all that interested. Perhaps the biggest problem is when a new Internet business owner doesn’t take online marketing seriously. When a business owner tries to simply market their website the same way they might market a brick and mortar store they really miss the point of owning a business online. Their strategies will likely be to promote the website on business cards and local and regional advertising. Don’t get me wrong, these are great offline strategies, but they do nothing to tap into a global marketplace because they only customers finding you are the ones that have been handed a card or received a key chain in your immediate region. In ballet the movements are fluid and the lifts are effortless. These athletic dancers can do this because they have trained their bodies to react with grace while tapping into highly developed muscle groups. The audience only sees graceful movement while the ballet dancer feels the muscles burn. This is the picture you should remember when it comes to your online marketing practices. You should work at them with such discipline that your site presence and marketing practices seem effortless. They seem natural because you have done the hard work to make it seem easy which is why online marketing is a discipline you should work at every day to some degree. Your audience (potential customer) is waiting to watch you dance.

Affordable online degrees

: Accredited online degree costs arms and legs - that's the general notion of many people who think of acquiring the much talked about online degrees. But the reality is a bit different. It is definitely possible to get an affordable package of the same. Browse the internet, and you will come across a bunch of online degree programs that really costs you low. A person with high ambitions of achieving a better career always have the option of going for the online college degrees that come in an attractive yet affordable package. This degree can help you make better money, and possibly get that promotion that you have long sought after. One great thing about working towards an on-line degree is that you can work on it anytime you want. By focusing towards your degree, you could complete it in as little as two years depending on how many courses you need. A recent survey revealed that very often a number of working adults carry out extensive research work on an affordable college degree online. Now the question is what actually motivates that kind of a search? May be enhancement of knowledge related to a specific subject or the hope of reaping some additional benefits of these online courses or just to get that long sought promotion. Whatever may be the reasons there are a number of benefits of these Affordable Online Degrees listed as follows: 1. In case of working adults, the degree can be easily pursued without hampering their full time employment. 2. The affordable online degree makes you all the more competitive in the job market. 3. The degree acts as an additional resource that proves an individual's set of skills. Over the internet, you'll come across a number of online universities and institutes offering you an affordable online college degree. With study material being supplied to the students, these e-learning centers motivate the participant's efforts by claiming, "The world is your classroom." These non-profit, private universities established by the Western governors are focused to offer the U. S. citizens a "cost-effective, high-quality education". In many cases there is the Federal financial aid that is available for the prospective, eligible students.

Freecell master of the universe

In the days before laptops, video games for me pretty much reached the apex in the Space Invaders/Asteroids era, and I never played them at home. I played them in bars, where it was a good way a) to kill time and b) avoid being stinking drunk by only 9:30pm. Idle hands are the devil's workshop, especially if one of them is constantly wrapped around a twelve-ounce Budweiser. Of course, once one outgrows the bar scene which I plan to do any day now many of the things associated with it begin to lose their luster as well. I can't shoot pool nearly as well as I used to, not that I was any sort of Mosconi Fats to begin with, but that is not the point. But I am totally lost in today's laptop gaming world. Nor do I own an X-Box, Playstation, or Wii (which looks to me like a misspelled abbreviation of World War II). I know nothing of controllers, game pads, or joysticks. When I first got started on laptops, Tetris was all the rage. I tried it a few times, but soon lost interest. Then along came Solitaire. Vegas Solitaire. Vegas 3-Card Solitaire! I was hooked. My co-workers and I set up marathon games on the single laptop in our workspace, going for days without rebooting. Woe unto him who wiped out our steadily increasing winnings. We didn't care if it wasn't real money. It was the thrill of the thing. Then the world changed. I bought my first personal laptop. I landed a new job where, for the most part, I was working alone. The camaraderie that made marathon games of Vegas 3-Card Solitaire so enjoyable was no longer there. My gaming days, it seems, were finally at an end. Then somebody showed me how to play Freecell. I became a man obsessed. At first, the object was to win. Every loss was personal, every victory a reason for celebration. My winning percentage climbed into the 70-80 percent range, then into the 90s. But it wasn't enough. Winning was no longer the only thing. I wanted to win PRETTY. It became an OC thing, and I ain't talking Orange County. The idea was to line up all my cards on my laptop screen in neat little rows, Kings on top, deuces on bottom, side by side, until clicking that last little card preferably the 48th releasing the aces and sending the whole deck skittering to the top as I basked in the beauty of it all :Freecell Master of The Universe.

Self hypnosis and hypnotherapy an article for therapists

For me Self Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy go hand in hand when I am treating clients. I see them as completely complementary of each other and a must for greater success and empowerment of the client. Each and every client that starts Hypnotherapy with me first learns that art of Self-Hypnosis. This doesn’t mean that they get a tape or a cd to listen to, but they actually learn the process without the need for any recordings. This is REAL empowerment. My theory is that if a client comes for smoking and in a few years time they are struggling to lose a few pounds, they shouldn’t have to turn back to me, but use their new skill of Self Hypnosis to tackle it themselves. My other goal is to get a client to a place where they feel that THEY have made the change – thus allowing them to be their own hero and not me. This is so important as with this attitude they begin to take charge and begin achieving even more great goals in their lives. So how do you teach Self Hypnosis in just fifty minutes so that they client goes away feeling confident and motivated to practice? First I do Chevreul's pendulum and explain how there is a mind/body connection. So as we imagine our bodies relaxing that they will just relax the same way that the pendulum swings when we imagine it doing so. This is an inevitable response and will always occur if done correctly. Then after this I may sometimes do a short ‘eyes closure’ induction and then the sway test all while standing with the client. This really confirms to them the connection between mind and body as they can actually feel the relaxation in their eyes and body. Then I would have the client sit in the chair and do a short landscape induction. This is something that I have created and added to each client’s induction to help with imagination. Unfortunately I can’t cover this process all here as it would take too long. After this I use the Self-Change Hypnosis induction, which has three key elements and then onto the post hypnotic suggestions. I take about twenty minutes to do this. Then I encourage the client to do the first element of the Self-Change Hypnosis induction for themselves and I do the rest, thus allowing them to experience Hypnosis for a second time in the same session. Then after that we do a third round of Hypnosis with the client doing the whole of the Self-Change Hypnosis induction and giving themselves some post hypnotic suggestions. Using the Self-Change Hypnosis means that if is foolproof for the client to learn. Well I hope that you have enjoyed this article and have gotten something from it.

Running out of batteries

We are more overworked today than ever before despite the rapid advances in technology that supposedly makes our lives easier. The need to earn more in order to maintain a comfortable standard of living has driven more of us to join the rat race, and this necessity is further aggravated by the stresses put on us by our personal lives and problems we encounter at work. Without proper care, the combination of overwork, fatigue and stress will take a toll on our bodies and it will drive us to our breaking point. Fatigue affects both the physical and mental performance of a person. Because of our hectic lifestyles fatigue can affect the quality of life, productivity and safety. When we reach our breaking point, exhaustion can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, cardiac failure and in some cases even aggravate preexisting conditions. Extensive research has also shown that fatigue can bring deeply rooted negative emotions to surface, causing any number of psychological conditions including depression and other anxiety disorders. A person who is suffering from excessive fatigue appears to have unusually slow reflexes and/or reduced motor functions. It can also impede their ability to think, react and make decisions, making it especially dangerous for people that with jobs that rely heavily on those functions. Fatigue can double the risk factor for workplace accidents to occur. In order to prevent this, many companies have begun educating their employees about the effects of exhaustion on the human body and teaching them to recognize the symptoms in themselves and in co-workers so help can be sought as soon as possible. Fatigue can cause a range of emotional, physical, and mental symptoms, as listed below: * Having trouble getting up in the morning * Feeling run down * Muscle spasms * Mood swings and/or irritability * Loss of appetite or extreme hunger * Sore or aching muscles * Low motivation * Tired for no reason at all * Slow or unable to bounce back from an illness * Decreased libido * Dizziness There are some lifestyle choices we make that can add up and cause a general feeling of fatigue. Among these are: * Too much or lack of sleep - We need about eight hours of sleep per night but sleeping more than 11 hours a day can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness. * Lack of exercise - Endorphins, the body's feel good hormone, increase with regular exercise. This can induce a feeling of wellbeing and health, boosting energy levels and decreasing stress. * Sleep disturbances - A sleep disturbances may occur if you live in a very noisy neighborhood, having a snoring partner, or are afflicted with any type of sleep disorder. * Having a poor diet – Our bodies need to digest a certain amount of nutrients to maintain good health. In fact, vitamin deficiencies can be the root cause of specific illnesses like rickets. * Illness and Injuries - A compromised immune system can cause fatigue. * Shifting Schedule – Constant disruption of our “body clock” causes sleep disorders and heightens stress levels. Sleeping during the daytime can be difficult because of the person's brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are naturally set to “waking” mode. * Workplace Stress - Stress brought on by hard labor, rotating shifts, too hot or too cold working conditions and make you sick. You can free yourself from fatigue by following these useful tips: * Strike a balance between work, play and rest. * Exercise and eat right. Limit your consumption of fast food and foods high in salt or sugar. * Organize your life and make plans. * Prioritize. Putting too much emphasis on little details is not only a waste of time but can also increase your stress levels. * Pamper yourself. * Try to relax. Practice relaxation techniques that can ease your tension and anxiety. * Don't set unattainable goals. Failing to reach unrealistic standards will only add to your stress levels. * Conserve your energy as much as possible. Doing unnecessary tasks will only tire you out. Most importantly, seek medical advice. Ignoring the warning signs will only make your conditions worsen as time passes. Your doctor will be able to prescribe the best possible remedy to combat fatigue, and ensure that it is not just a symptom of some other illness that you are not aware of. Remember that taking care of your body will help you lead a productive and happy life.

Should you choose an online broker or an offline one

We live in a new digital era and an increasing proportion of the worlds stock trading is being done online. Sophisticated technology means that someone in London can buy a NYSE stock within a minute with a few simple clicks of the mouse. While there are some situations that may make having an offline broker advantageous, here are the primary benefits that come with having an online stock broking account: It’s Far Cheaper To Trade Stocks Online – When a customer has a phone line and executes a trade via a live broker, it costs the company a lot of money to pay the brokers wages and have a physical location for that broker to operate from. When the same trade is done online, it’s an automated process handled by a system. This is far cheaper for the company allowing it to reduce the price it charges for execution only trade. Faster Execution – With an online stock brokerage account, execution is immediate. There is no need to call a broker and wait while the trade is executed. In addition, online broking accounts enable the user to access their account status immediately via internet connection. In the offline world, a customer would have to wait for monthly statements or phone the stock broking company to know the exact status of their accounts. Availability Of Tools To Help The Investor – Today, a lot of online broker houses provide key information, statistics and investment tools that can help keep the trader informed and help them to analyse stocks. Such services are rare with offline only options. What Factors Should You Look For When Deciding On An Online Stock Broker As you can imagine, there are a huge number of online stockbrokers trying to compete for your account. This high competition means that if you look around you’re likely to find an online stockbroker service that has low fees, good reliability and a fair amount of “bells and whistles”. In this section we’ll look at some of the different factors you should analyse before giving any online stockbroker service the nod: Low Commissions Aren’t Always Low – Look at the commission charges and structure of the different online broker companies. Some companies may display very low charges on their ads only for you to discover that the special unbelievable rate applies to certain sized trades, or kick in only after a number of trades have been executed. Also be on the lookout for admin or handling charges that are tagged onto some online broking accounts. What Is The Minimum Amount Needed To Deposit? If you’re a smaller, casual investor then an account that needs $10,000 deposited before you can open an account would not be suitable, even if the fees associated with each trade are quite low. Do You Need Margin? If So What Is The Rate? A margin account allows you to borrow money to trade with. Different online accounts have different rates for trading on margin so if you’re going to do this make sure you pick an account that’s best suited for this. The Bells & Whistles – By this we refer to the type and depth of research available to account holders, whether there is any “back up” for problems that may be experienced, the track record of the company (if new it may experience the occasional glitch) and the level of detail available on the trading account. Some online brokerage firms also provide broker research on various companies, charting, relevant news-feeds and other valuable information that can help your trading and research. Additional Phone Service? Some online broker companies also make trading via phone, or at least some form of telephone support available. Always a benefit. Reliability Of Service & How Well The Trades Are Executed - You may find an online broker service that has incredibly low fees…but which has frequent bouts of downtime where trades cannot be executed. This can be a frustrating and expensive experience, so ensure that your potential online broker service has a good level of reliability. What have others said about its service? Are there any reviews for it online? Ultimately, the category of investor or trader you fall under will decide what type of broker and service you opt for. It's best to analyse these circumstances before you commit to any online or offline broker or you may find your trading needs are not being met.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Bright hopes for the future of solar energy

Research is shedding new light on an unexpected source of energy for heating homes and generating electricity-the sun. The sun-directly or indirectly-is the primary source for most forms of energy found on Earth. Solar energy is clean, abundant and renewable. Though we think of solar power as a new discovery, ancient civilizations found innovative ways to use solar energy. Among them, the Greeks, Romans and Chinese all developed ways to use solar warmth for their homes, including using southern exposures to maximize solar heating and making use of solar lighting. Now, thanks to innovative technologies, it's possible to capture this energy, concentrate it, store it and convert it into electricity. Sunlight is converted into electricity using solar cells. Solar cells are also called photovoltaic cells, or "PV cells" for short. PV cells were first developed in the 1950s for use in American space satellites. Today, they are used for power needs ranging from telecommunications to rural electrification. PV cells can be found on items we use daily, such as calculators, flashlights, radios, landscape lighting and children's toys. Portable PV units are also available for emergency and disaster use, such as keeping cell phones and small appliances charged when the user is away from the grid or during blackouts. Consumers can harness the power of the sun for themselves more easily than ever. Solar panels you see on buildings and homes have been available on the market for decades. New systems-which incorporate solar into roofing shingles-are now aesthetically pleasing, efficient and durable. 2006 ushers in new tax credits for solar energy technologies and consumers may also be eligible for state rebates. For more information, consult with a tax professional, contact the Internal Revenue Service at irs. gov, or check out doe. gov for the latest in tax credit information. Sunlight isn't only used to generate electricity. It is also used to heat water, which can be used to warm homes and businesses. Solar-powered radiant heating systems run some industrial processes and drive turbines to generate electricity. Many solar thermal technologies have been used in homes for decades and can last more than 20 years. Experts believe that solar energy technologies can benefit this nation in many ways. They have the potential to help diversify this country's energy supply, reduce the dependence on imported fuels, improve air quality, offset greenhouse gas emissions and stimulate the economy by helping to create jobs in the manufacturing and installation of solar energy systems.

Mp3 games

: MP3 games is an excellent choice for getting the latest games quickly and without the hassles of traveling to the store. There are many locations right on the web that can provide you with the best of the best for much less. There are several locations that do offer a wide range of choice when it comes to mp3 game downloads. Some offer more than others or they offer a better quality product. It will take a little looking to find the most affordable choice that is also the one that has what you would like to download. Once you find the right location for your mp3 games , you can easily and quickly (it seems almost instantly) download them to your PC, hand held, notebook, or you can check out mp3 games as well. There are specific services that are available to provide you with the ability to get great quality games and music on your mp3 player or pc. If you choose mp3 games, you can find the right location to download from on the web to your player, take the games with you wherever you decide to go. No matter if you choose mp3 games or find a few great games to download to your PC, there are many services that are providing this ability to you. If you are skilled, you can even find a few free mp3 games to download. Of course, to get the best products available, you may want to go with a paid service. It also pays for you to take your time in checking out a few of the services for their fees and their membership details. With so much competition out there, you are sure to find a great deal being offered to new members. Please visit some of my web sites MP3 Player Games and MP3 Game Downloads

Tips on renting audio visual equipment

One major key to success of an event where presentations are made is having the right audio visual equipment available. The right equipment does wonders in enhancing the presentation experience, especially when your audience numbers in the hundreds. For this, you have two options: invest in the equipment and personnel needed; or, if your events are far and in-between, of variable audience and venue size, rent the audio visual equipment you will need for your event from a supplier (who also provides the technicians). Renting is always a good option so that you can focus on the real purpose of your event (i. e., the presentation) and not worry about such details before, during, and after your event. Finding suppliers who offer rentals is not a difficult task since there are many to choose from. However, especially for major events, finding the right supplier does take some doing, unless the sky’s the limit as far your budget is concerned (which is most likely not the case). The trick is to be able to find a good balance between achieving your ideal presentation experience and making the dollars and cents make sense. Here are a few tips you might want to consider in renting audio visual equipment: • Ask the venue administrator for referrals. When you have chosen the venue you want to hold your event in, ask for referrals of audio video equipment rental suppliers who have actually worked there. These suppliers already know more or less the kind of equipment that will work well in the venue and will most likely be able to give you the ideal rental price considering their experience there. • Make sure your supplier is flexible to handle unforeseen circumstances. If there is one “law” that is appropriate for any event, it is Murphy’s. Your supplier needs to be able to quickly respond to all minor (and some major) mishaps that might occur during the event proper, e. g., having spare bulbs for the projectors, standby speakers and amplifier equipment to handle a bigger crowd, etc. This “insurance” might cost you a bit more but it is going to be worth it, if only for the comfort of knowing that your event will not be jeopardized. • Be upfront with your budget. Remember that it is your money after all, so the less you spend the better! If your potential supplier knows what your budget it, he will adjust without sacrificing much of the quality of service that you require from the audio visual equipment you will rent. Sometimes it might mean that you will have to settle for less projector screens or wired microphones instead of lapel mikes, but as long as you are happy with that your budget brings you quality that meets your minimal expectations, then that is really what matters. Following these tips will help you in finding the right supplier or suppliers for rentals of the audio video equipment and maintenance/operations personnel that you will need to help make sure that what your audience sees and hears gets enhanced for a pleasant overall event experience.

Solving the scarcity of money

Ask any economist and they’ll tell you: money is scarce. That’s why it’s so popular. When they say “scarce” they don’t mean that there’s too little money in the world, they just mean that the ratio of people who want it and people who have it is quite large. If money weren’t a scarce commodity, it would sure be a different world! So if money is so scarce, how do you get the things you want and need? What if you want that nice sports car? Or a boat? Or a house? Or an addition on your house? In fact, maybe you find that your income is just enough to make ends meet, with barely any extra left over to put away for a rainy day. If that’s you, you might want to consider getting a UK secured loan to help you get the things you want and need. That way, you’ll still be able to enjoy the things you want and you’ll have a low monthly payment to pay it back, so you can start enjoying it right away! An unsecured loan is a loan that relies only on your credit rating to determine whether or not a lending institute will give you money. These types of loans will often not give you a lot of money and they will charge high interest and have shorter repayment periods. However a secured loan may be a better option. And if you want that boat, fancy car, or a new roof on your home, a secured loan may be the thing you need. A secured loan is a loan that has some kind of security against it. That means you have some asset that allows you to promise the lending institution some kind of guarantee. If you cannot make the payment, the lending institute may take your asset as an alternative form of repayment. Because this kind of loan is less risky than an unsecured loan, lending agencies are often far more flexible with you. They’ll give you more money at a better rate of interest and give you longer to pay it back! Look around your life and determine what kind of assets you have that will allow you to get a loan. Do you a car? A house? Some stock market certificates? Some jewelry? Whatever it might be, you may find a lending agency who is willing to work with you based on those assets as a guarantee for a secured loan. So if you’re looking to get something nice for yourself, like that boat or new car or new roof, you should consider getting a secured loan to help you. Many people are choosing to go that route because our world doesn’t pay us what we’re worth! So instead of putting off your pleasure for later (and you know that it may never happen), go out and apply for a loan. There are many companies available online who are eager to do business with you today!

Your matchmaker recommends a titanium wedding ring

Your wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between marriage partners - it shines in the wedding photographs, and it is the first thing your guests will want to look at. Sadly most wedding rings do not stay shiny and new – after ten years, many gold rings are dented and scratched with no shine. Did you know that titanium is an option for your wedding ring? Titanium was first discovered in England in 1791 by Reverend William Gregor. It is named after the Titans, a race of powerful deities who ruled during the legendary Golden Age. The metal is produced in its highest quantity in Australia, and is prized for its strength and light weight. This makes it very suitable for anyone involved in manual work, as it will stand up to wear much better than gold. It is also a hypoallergenic material, making it suitable for sensitive skin. Until recently, Titanium was most likely to be used in high tech fields such as space and medical fields – if you wear lightweight glasses, they probably contain Titanium. In jewellery, the use of titanium is a new innovation. Jewellers are just learning that the metal is easy to work with and makes for some very beautiful jewellery. You should be able to find Titanium wedding rings in a variety of designs and styles, set with stones and also inlaid with other precious metals. If your Matchmaker found you a rich spouse, you can set your titanium ring with diamonds or emeralds. The good news is that it usually costs less than the equivalent version in other precious metals. Matrimonial experts will normally advise against trendy wedding rings – as anyone sporting a wide wedding band from the seventies now realises. However, the look of a Titanium wedding ring is not radically different from gold or platinum but it has so many advantages – lower or average cost, high tensile strength, scratch resistance, and it is hypoallergenic. Of all the things in your wedding day budget, your wedding ring is the most permanent. The bridal dress will probably gather dust in a box or go to a charity shop, flowers are gone in a few days, the cake might last until the birth of your first child. The ring, however, is here forever as a reminder of your love match. And if your matrimonial arrangement does go wrong, remember that titanium is a stronger material as you take aim to throw it at your beloved!

Why rent a room when you can rent a house

When people think of vacations, they often think of wide, sandy beaches, pristine snowy slopes, or quiet lakefront living, but they inevitably end up in the same place: a cramped, generic hotel room. Why settle during your vacation? If you’re traveling with a family or group, or if you’re staying longer than three days, consider renting a vacation home. These houses and condominiums can have breathtaking views, prime location, and fabulous amenities. Best of all, they’re often less expensive than hotels. The largest benefit to renting a home is space. Instead of sharing both a bedroom and bathroom with your kids, you can stay in a two-bedroom, two-bath home with doors for privacy and closet space for convenience. You’ll never get a living room, dining room, and kitchen in your hotel. Renting a vacation home gives you space to unwind, space to play games, and space to have dinner, all without breaking your holiday budget. The amenities in a private home are far greater than in a hotel. Vacation rentals are fully equipped homes, and you’ll have everything at your fingertips, from televisions to teapots. If you decide to have a dinner party, you’ll be able to use the pots and pans, and also the dining room table, the place mats, and the wine opener. And that full-sized refrigerator can save you tons of money—a bacon-and-egg breakfast is a lot cheaper from the grocery store than from the nearby restaurant. Private homes and condos can also include the use of tennis courts, swimming pools, golf courses, boat launches, and private beach access—added bonuses you don’t always get with hotels. Privacy is another great benefit. Homes and condos with private entries mean your vacation will be about you, not the couple in the next room. No one will be knocking on your door at five in the evening to see if you need your bed turned down. The ability to come and go as you please ensures your vacation will be just as you planned it. Like all real estate, finding a vacation home comes down to location, location, location. With vacation homes, you can have the privacy of a mountain cabin, the view of an oceanfront home, or the vitality of a downtown condo. City ordinances often don’t allow multi-story buildings in a certain area (right on the ocean, for example), and so the only way to experience the best locations is to rent a private home. The location of your home also ensures you won’t have that generic hotel feel; remember, these homes are owned by other families, each decorated to be both inviting and reflective of the area. Of course, for many travelers, the biggest reason to rent a vacation home is price. Not only do vacation homes save you money by offering a full kitchen, the prices of the homes themselves are often cheaper than a hotel for a week. Here’s an example: A family of four wants to spend a week in San Diego at the end of July. Getting two rooms in a chain hotel for seven days each, their total is around $2500. Renting a two-bedroom home for the same week is $1800. You actually save money and get more space! Month-long trips save even more money, a note worth remembering for travelers escaping winter weather. For the less budget-conscious traveler, vacation homes are the best way to experience the luxury of a town. Plasma TVs, granite countertops, and private Jacuzzis can be found in any city—but not in a hotel. With vacation homes, you can get any amenities you want, in any part of the country. While the jump from hotels to vacation homes may be a little intimidating if you’ve never tried it before, once you’ve experienced all a vacation home has to offer, you’ll find it’s much harder to jump back.

Does the american government see its citizens as its children

In Americas 230 year history the government seems to have forgotten that there job is to run the government as the people see as best and not the government telling the people what is best for them. The most recent example is the Internet gambling Ban signed into law last week by President Bush. The bill makes it illegal for banks and credit card companies to transfer money to casinos for the purpose of wagering on sports or games of chance, like roulette, blackjack and poker. These games are harmlessly enjoyed regularly by millions of Americans everyday, but some people become addicted to these games so the government is telling all of its citizens that no one is allowed to play these games in an online casino. This is not the first case of the government going against the wishes of the people, in the early 1900’s the government decided that the consumption of Alcohol should be banned, because some people were developing health and mental problems related to drinking too much. So rather then educating the people on the ill effects of prolonged Alcohol abuse the American government banned Alcohol. But instead of reducing the consumption of Alcoholic beverages it increased, and because the government was not allowing the production or importing of Alcohol, organized grime got into the moonshine business, and eventually the Government saw the error of their decision and repealed the law. Another great example of a failed policy to protect the people is the war on drugs that the government has been aging since the early 1980’s Billions of tax dollars a year goes into the war on drugs, but what are the results? The price of drugs has risen, and to support their habits many drug addicts have had to commit acts of robbery and murder to get their drugs. The American prisons are packed full of people whose only crime was possession of these illegal drugs. Instead of being an industry that is regulated and controlled you have people selling these drugs to kids in school playgrounds, and shooting each other to protect their territory. Had the government decided not to criminalize drugs but make it a heavily controlled industry, they could use the tax money for social programs like schools ad to give Americans universal health care. Please do not misunderstand me I am not in favor for legalizing hard drugs, but the current system is not working at all, but I am all in favor for legalizing online casino gambling. If I choose to play some hands of blackjack or poker from the comfort of my home what rights does the government have to tell me not to, and what sense does it make that I can not play in a casino over the internet, but I can drive down the street to the local casino and play there. To enforce this ban millions if not billions of dollars of software and computer hardware will be needed to monitor all of the banks transactions and that money will come from taxes instead of the government taxing online casinos or even having all the online casinos government controlled then they get all the profits to be used to improve the lives of the American citizens, millions of which are bellow the poverty line if not homeless. The American government needs to start re-thinking its policy of treating its citizens like small children, or the American people need to demand a new government.

A muscle building tip that may work wonders

Maybe you want to build up your muscles for your health, or maybe you just want to look good - there's nothing wrong with that. Whatever your reason, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. The truth is, any kind of mass building program is beneficial to your heart as well as to your muscles. But if you're trying to build up your muscles, there are particular muscle building workouts that are designed specifically to help you. In order to increase the size of muscle, the muscle must be stimulated. One way of providing the stimulation your muscles need is to exercise so your muscles will grow in size. A muscle building tip that has helped many to attain their goal is to begin training with free weights. Strength and resistance exercise will also help by motivating your muscles to develop. A workout routine of lifting weights combined with strength training exercises will begin to gradually bulk up your muscles. Muscle building workouts done on a regular basis will not only develop muscle mass but will add to your overall health. If you are a beginner, you will want to start out with lighter free weights and slowly increase the amount of weight you lift and the number of repetitions you perform. Free weight training along with strength and resistance training will gradually help your body develop muscle. You can use this muscle building tip to your advantage if you remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, and your muscles won't be built in a day either. Building muscle is a slow process, but perseverance is the keyword to success. Anyone who has gone through the process of building up their muscles will confirm that they have been discouraged by the apparent lack of progress, but eventually they reached and maintained their goal. Mass building workouts along with strength training will further enhance your chances of success in building muscle. Bench presses, pull-ups, push-ups, squats, and/or other exercises that target specific muscles are very effective in building muscle. It is important that you rest in between muscle building workouts to allow your muscles time to recover. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, one common occurrence while doing muscle building routines is the possibility of muscle spasms. A muscle spasm occurs when a voluntary muscle (those you can control)bunches up and tightens. Muscle spasms can occur for several reasons or no reason at all, with the result being a painful muscle contraction, or muscle spasm. Muscle spasms can sometimes be relieved by resting the muscle, massaging it or by moving around. The best way to avoid these painful spasms is to do proper warm-up exercises, and let your muscles rest in between workouts. If you want to be successful in your efforts to build muscle mass, it is important to follow these and other muscle building tips when you begin your muscle building routine.

Home security low cost alarms that work

For most people their home is their biggest investment. In 2006 the median price for a home is expected to be $231,000. And of course everyone has insurance on their house. Everyone has insurance on their car as well. But more people have alarms for their car than their home. How does that make any sense? Most people associate home security alarms with high ticket home security systems, home security alarm systems or home security monitoring that can cost $70 a month or more. I recently heard of a new home security company in New Mexico that is hiring ex police officers only to respond to alarm calls from members because quite frankly the response time from the police department was way to slow. Monitored security systems are effective no question about that. The question is-is there an effective way to protect your house without sending you to the poor house. Obviously there is a point where cost becomes prohibitive. Each situation is different for sure. Depending on the risk level of the area in which you live many low cost home security devices will do the job just as well as the high priced toys. Remember the objective is to prevent a burglary-keep the intruder from intruding. Recently in Colorado Springs a woman was saved from an uncertain fate by an intruder trying to get into her house. She was awakened in the middle of the night by her barking dogs. Now I am not suggesting that everyone get a dog because quite frankly a lot of dogs are not suited for this anyhow. But let's look at some inexpensive alternatives that do work. The simplest and least expensive are security alarms activated by opening a window or door. When the alarm is activated a 110 decibel alarm goes off. Other systems using infrared technology detect motion in a room and set off an alarm. Yet another device sets of a realistic barking dog sound when movement is sensed from 30 feet away thru doors and walls. The barking gets louder and more frequent as the intruder approaches. One more system that has a broader appeal is a motion activated annunciator system that can detect movement from 1000 feet away and "lets you know" if someone is approaching in your driveway, back yard or patio. This system can trigger a floodlight if it senses movement in a designated area. It can monitor up to six zones. There are many home security alarms available that will do the job effectively without breaking the bank. Why take a chance with such a valuable investment. There are many choices available-one has to be right for your home.

Communication par internet entre franchiseurs et franchises

: Cette communication entre franchiseurs et franchisйs peut donc se faire aujourd'hui via Internet ou cвbles de d'interconnexion reliant les franchises via leur rйseau et permet de rentabiliser le travail des franchisйs par le gain de temps en recherche d'informations si ce dernier est correctement utilisй. Les franchisйs peuvent alors passer leurs commandes en ligne et contrфler les dates de livraisons. La plus part des grandes franchises utilisent le systиme "а la minute", qui permet de connaоtre au moment prйcis l'йtat des stocks ou encore les livraisons effectuйes а leur franchisйs. Cela a donc rйellement permis d'activer le processus et signifie йgalement que le franchisй peut mieux rйorganiser ses stocks sans кtre а court au moment X. Les systиmes les plus pointus permettent йgalement aux franchisйs de s'approvisionner auprиs d'un autre franchisй si le franchiseur est а cours de stock. Les demandes peuvent кtre connectйes au rйseau et toutes les ventes peuvent кtre relayйes auprиs des franchiseurs. Cela implique donc que la plus part des cas des demandes d'ordres peuvent кtre retirйes directement par le franchisй. Pour le franchiseur, cela est fantastique car il n'est alors plus nйcessaire de perdre du temps а rechercher le franchisй disposant de la quantitй adйquate dйsirйe qui pourrait rйpondre urgemment а la demande. Les franchisйs en tire un avantage certain car ils voient leur travail diminuй et leur permet de passer plus de temps sur les problиmes marketings et la gestion de la relation clientиle. Par ailleurs, les franchisйs peuvent maintenant payer en mкme temps en ligne le franchiseur et les fournisseurs sans avoir recours aux carnets de chиques, enveloppes et postage. Une solution simple de payement en ligne donne de nombreux avantages que ne peuvent procurer les mйthodes de payements classiques. En plus d'augmenter leur facilitй de caisse, ce systиme leur permet йgalement de rйduire les risques de fraude. Par exemple, une grande sociйtй de jeux carte possйdant bon nombre de franchises. L'une d'entre elle se retrouve а cours de jeux que l'on vient de lui demander. Un simple passage sur Intranet et elle peut alors renseigner exactement son client quant aux dйlais de livraison du produit. D'autres systиmes encore plus perfectionnйs permettent de voir leurs comptes, rendant alors leur travail plus aisй grвce а une analyse plus objective. Le comptable est ainsi capable de voir en temps et en heure toute transaction effectuйe et de rйcupйrer les donnйes des autres franchises. Mais l'Intranet permet aussi а l'entreprise d'y dйposer ses brochures, de visionner les derniиres vidйos publicitaires de la sociйtй et йventuellement aider les franchiseurs en leur adressant un feedback sur la maniиre d'amйliorer leur politique marketing pour le futur. Ils peuvent йgalement tenir leurs opйrateurs informйs de faзon rйguliиre de maniиre manuelle. Pour cela, un accиs Internet haut dйbit est obligatoire, les franchisйs dйveloppant habituellement leur business depuis leur ordinateur. Cela implique au franchiseur de devoir former son franchisй quant а l'utilisation et la maintenance de leur outil informatique. es franchiseurs aiment adopter ce systиme afin de renforcer l'image de marque de la compagnie et faire participer activement leurs franchisйs au cњur de cette derniиre. Toutefois, les dangers de l'utilisation d'Internet (ou intranet) sont nombreux. Si le serveur principal des franchiseurs tombe en panne et ne dispose pas de back up adйquate ou une facilitй d'accиs d'autres serveurs, tous les rйseaux des franchisйs peut кtre pйnalisй.

Things you should know about a molar pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for any woman, but with the many pregnancy complications out there, it can also be scary for first time mothers. It has been reported that one in every thousand pregnancies in the U. S. is a molar pregnancy, which makes it one of the most common pregnancy complications for women today. What is a molar pregnancy? This occurs when a sperm fertilizes an empty egg. Even though it’s empty, it continues to develop and a placenta is formed despite there being no fetus. The hormone HCG is also produced which fools the body into thinking that there is a pregnancy when there is only placenta. A partial molar pregnancy occurs when two sperms fertilize an egg. However, instead of forming twins, in this type of pregnancy, something goes wrong and an abnormal fetus and placenta is developed instead. As there is double the sperm, the fetus receives too many chromosomes and instead may die in the womb. Molar pregnancy symptoms One of the first molar pregnancy signs you may notice is spotting which could lead to heavier bleeding. Depending on the severity of the case, the bleeding may start as early as 6 weeks into the pregnancy or as late as 12. Another common sign of this type of pregnancy is nausea, abdominal cramping and swelling. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and feel as though your pregnancy may be molar, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor. Molar pregnancy treatments A D&C (dilatation and curettage) will be used for treatment. This is a safe procedure in which a small vacuum is inserted into the uterus to remove the placental parts. However, great care must still be taken as not to provoke any excessive bleeding or blood clots. This type of pregnancy can recur as some women may just be prone to them. If this is the case and after your first such pregnancy, you have another, consult your doctor about special treatments to prevent this from happening again. Molar pregnancies are a tragic way to lose a child, but having one does not mean you are never going to have another baby again. Make sure you are aware of molar pregnancy symptoms and regularly go to the doctor for consultations.

Controlling behavior loving behavior

When Zack and Tiffany started counseling with me, they were on the verge of divorce after 16 years of marriage. Neither really wanted to end the marriage, yet both were miserable. Both of them believed that their misery was because of the other person, and both could clearly articulate what the other person was doing wrong. “Tiffany is just so distant and unaffectionate most of the time, and when we are together she is so critical of me. I can’t seem to do anything right in her eyes. I try really hard to please her, but no matter what I do, it’s not good enough.” “I just can’t seem to connect with Zack. He’s a really nice guy but I just can’t feel anything with him. I feel irritated with him a lot and I don’t really know why. He just annoys me. I feel like he’s always wanting something from me and I just don’t like being around him. And he’s so darn nice! What’s wrong with me that I don’t like someone being so nice?” I could see immediately that the underlying problem in this relationship was that both Zack and Tiffany were stuck in various forms of controlling behavior, yet neither of them were consciously trying to control. Zack was a caretaker. He tried to control by being a “nice guy” and doing everything he thought Tiffany wanted, including making dinner every night, doing the laundry, and doing most of the child-care, even though both of them worked. He secretly believed that if he was nice enough, he could have control over Tiffany loving him and being turned on to him. What he didn’t realize is that his niceness was really a “pull” on Tiffany, which is one reason she kept her distance. Underneath, Zack had a big fear of rejection and was trying to have control over Tiffany not rejecting him. Tiffany was trying to control Zack primarily with her criticism. She was critical any time she felt Zack wanting something from her to make him feel safe and loved. She had a secret hope that if she criticized him enough, he would stop pulling on her for affection, sex and attention. Unconsciously, Tiffany had a huge fear of enfulfment, and was trying to protect herself from being engulfed and controlled by Zack. In addition, Tiffany could not experience who Zack was because he was putting himself aside to please her. She could not connect with him until he was authentically himself. Everything Zack did to protect against rejection tapped into Tiffany’s fear of engulfment, while everything Tiffany did to protect against engulfment tapped into Zack’s fear of rejection. The more Zack pulled with niceness, the more Tiffany moved away, and the more Tiffany moved away, the more Zack pulled. What was the way out of this protective circle? Both Zack and Tiffany needed to learn how to take loving care of themselves, rather than attempt to control the other. Zack needed to learn how to not take Tiffany’s behavior as a personal rejection. He needed to see that her withdrawal was coming from her fear of engulfment that he was tapping into, but he was not the cause of her fear. She had this fear way before meeting him. Zack also needed to start to be loving to himself rather than “nice” to Tiffany. He needed to learn to take responsibility for his own feelings of well-being instead of being dependent upon Tiffany for them. In learning to take care of himself, he would naturally stop pulling on Tiffany for his sense of worth and security. Tiffany needed to learn to speak her truth without blaming or judging. Instead of withdrawing and criticizing, she needed to stand up for herself and set loving limits with Zack in order to move beyond her fear of engulfment. She needed to learn to say things like, “Zack, I appreciate the dinner you made, but I feel like you made it with an expectation that I should now love you, rather than because you felt like making dinner. I’d rather that you not make dinner unless you are doing it because you really want to and without an expectation attached. I feel pulled on and it doesn’t feel good.” Zack and Tiffany decided that it was worth learning how to be loving to themselves and then see what happened with their marriage. Fortunately, because both of them were devoted to learning to take full, 100% responsibility for their own feelings and needs, they were able to move out of their protective, controlling circle and into a loving circle. As they learned to take responsibility for themselves, their love for each other gradually returned.

Monday, August 29, 2016

23 The key to better websites a navigation

The Key to Better Websites [A] Navigation Introduction Importance of the latter : One of the primary implications of a well-organized / good website, is to keep your visitors in the website. A website is definitely created for a purpose, unless intended for personal use, which is the minority. For example, a portfolio website would want to be visited and it’s content viewed. For companies and internet businesses, your website certainly aims to provide product information, to make sales, or somewhat similar. However, most individuals undoubtly prefer visually captivating designs, so on and so forth. It is undeniable that this causes no harm, but one must put himself/herself in other people’s shoes, as to understand how a visitor to the website might think, do and react. 1 ) Navigation As I said, a web designer has to learn how to think the way your visitors think. Situation A : Website with good navigation ( 2-3 hyperlinks to target page ), well planned in terms of placement, and design. Situation B : Website with poor navigation ( takes forever for the visitor to reach his/her target page ), hard-to-read navigation fonts and poor placement of the navigation buttons/bar. In Situation A, a visitor will always want to be able to access his/her target page. For example, the individual comes across your website, and is interested in the product sold, but wants to find more information. He/she finds the navigation with no trouble, and enters the particular product information page. As for Situation B, a visitor stumbles into the website, and would also like to find out more information about the product. Unfortunately, due to bad placement and fanciful font-types, the visitor takes forever, or even fails to find the navigation bar. Even when he/she does so, links to the product information are nowhere to be found, (example : home > about > products > product image > etc…[a few more clicks] > product information ). Analysis : In both situations, wouldn’t a website with characteristics similar to the Situation A be more rewarding ergo better? [Insert Your Resource Box Here] (Words: 337)

Craft ideas for grandparents day

With Grandparents Day being the first real holiday of the school year (falling on the first Sunday after Labor Day), crafts are typically a special way for children to celebrate the holiday. Different craft ideas that are used on other holidays can also be adapted for Grandparents Day. Here are a few ideas for your children to take part in for this holiday. One of the easiest crafts to create is a greeting card. A child can draw his or her own picture and use personal creativity to make a card that speaks from the heart. A card created by hand will please any grandparent more than a store-bought card ever could because whatever the card shows or says is guaranteed to come from the heart. Many online resources offer black and white posters that can be printed out for coloring. These can be colored and given to grandparents as a gift for the holiday. If you start early, you can help your child create a collage with pictures and magazine cutouts that show the child’s feelings for his or her grandparents. Or, you can help your child pick flowers and dry them, then glue them to a piece of construction paper on which he or she can express their love for grandparents. Crafts can be simple or complex. A favorite project for children is to use uncooked, dry macaroni glued to paper to create a picture or phrase. Candy necklaces are also popular. Even beads are available for children to make jewelry with now. The important thing when choosing a craft for your child for Grandparents Day is that it be appropriate for their age and abilities. It should be simple enough that they don’t feel as though they are being forced to do something they don’t really want to do, while maintaining a challenge or difficulty level that keeps their interest and doesn’t make them feel as though they are wasting their time. Crafts are a great way to say “I Love You” to the special grandparents in your child’s life, and the grandparents will certainly appreciate the consideration shown by their grandchildren.

New ideas for the new year

According to the statistics the American Citizens carry an average of seven Credit Cards and some of them use 12-15 cards. The Statistics also indicates that 70% of American Citizens payoff these debts after 90 days. This can be described as gambling on future prosperity-speculations tempted by plastic money illusions i. e. Credit Cards; This is mainly due to the lack of alternate options. The money needed to meet their desired expenses is in short supply. The fixed income earners always have a trying time to strike a balance between earnings and expenses. Their income is static while expenses tend to jump, mostly jump upwards unpredictably. At this point of time of a year ending many will eco even silently with a momentary relief “What a difficult year that is almost over? Where has all that money, earned by working hard, gone? Any pennies left? Still more bills are there to settle and what a struggle it was every month?” Well, you too may be thinking like that? If not then you are one of the rare breed of the lucky few or else, you are probably not a fixed income earner. It is mostly the monthly fixed income earners who feel this way and to them the next year too looks gloomy and unsure of what it has to offer. For them it can be another package of twelve months of continued agony and little or no ecstasy. For them the life's eternal struggle will continue each year with no chance of escaping. After the annual December festivities just before the dawning of the New Year, the people have to get back to the monotony of the same old routine, day after day, rushing to work, working hard, trying to earn money to support the family and returning home in the evening hours utterly tired even to talk to the loved ones waiting for them at home. Will there be an end to this struggle to make ends meet for Mr. or Mrs. Average? The answer is a big Yes. The next question will be when? To that the answer is Now! At this very moment of welcoming the New Year it is the appropriate time for you to make the all important decision. This will be the decision to change the life’s course. The life is itself a decision. Make your decision as a New Year Resolution. Once you make the correct decision it will work to take you to life’s fulfillment via Financial Freedom. How to achieve Financial Freedom! It is simple. The driving power of any noteworthy achievement is the determination to reach one’s dreams. It is said in the past ‘Will to win and You Will!’ More people become millionaires today than at any other time in History. So the decision should be to become the next millionaire because, in America, a new millionaire is created in every 58 minutes as statistics has shown. There are many ways that ordinary people have become extra ordinary people by accumulating money. In the modern day, the quickest way to do that is to start an online business. A home based business online is the best for a new comer to online business. There are many success stories of rag to riches quickly of Internet Millionaires today. They have proved any one with the same application to the task and guts can do that. Every hour every minute, millions of buyers and millions of sellers visit the internet. The speed in which the sharing of information is possible on the internet, has led to innovative improvements like automation of online business processes etc. Therefore, the conduct of business is easier and speedier online. The vastness of money making opportunities on the internet is practically proven by the leading internet marketers who conduct businesses attracting big dollar incomes to their businesses daily. The internet has made it possible today for any one to decide, conceive, believe, act and be the next success story on the internet! It is the fastest way to riches today. It is reachable. The internet, as I mentioned earlier, is an ideal business field that provides vast opportunities, expanding markets and open market competition with freely accessible market information availability. As the first step one can start working from home, during spare time, to build a business step by step. It is not uninspiring as it will be very interesting to explore the marvel of Modern Internet Technology. There is no need for big investments. The advantage is that a home based online business can be launched with a small budget. The best and speediest way to launch such a business is to get an automated turnkey website set up free with inbuilt money generating income stream-packages so that the new business will start generating money immediately and work automatically 24 hours every day. Of course, you have to get the best, proven and reliability guaranteed system. You can now find Author Resource Box

8 Key factors of a successful event planner

8 Key Factors Of A Successful Event Planner - Learn To Pick Wisely Planning an event is a big job. No matter what type of event it is, you will find that there is a lot of different things that you have to make sure get done. You need to be focused and ready to take on this type of challenge when it comes to planning an event. If you are not able to handle it all yourself, you will want to think about hiring an event planner to make it a little bit easier. There are a few different key factors that are important when you are trying to find a successful event planner. You need to think about the person that you are hiring and what they can do for you. You have to learn to pick and choose your event planner wisely so that you are not finding yourself in a bad situation later on. 1. You will want to make sure that you are getting a highly successful event planner to take care of your next event. You need to make sure that you are finding someone that is ready to take on a challenge and do the best job that she can for you. You want them to be devoted and able to help you though anything that is thrown your way. 2. You want a professional. You want to have someone help you with your next event that has the extensive training that is necessary to make the most of the event. You need to have someone that you can count on that has the experience that you need to make this the best ever. You can make the event highly successful and very professional when you have help that matches your needs. 3. Getting a professional event planner that pays attention to detail is very key. This is one of the most important key factors in making an event a great success. You will want to have the person helping you very interested in making you happy. You need them to be very efficient and willing to do what you need them to. 4. You will want to interview your event planner to make sure they are the person that you feel comfortable with. You want to have someone help you with your special event that you can trust and get to know. They will want to be make your event the best that it can be and give you all that you are looking for and maybe even a little bit more. You will be surprised at the amount of help you can get from your wedding planner when you chose them well. Ask them important questions that you are going to need to know. You want to make the most of this time and get to know them very well. 5. The person that you are hiring to take care of your event will have to know the financial part of the business. They will have to be willing to make sure that they take care of all the business transaction s that have to be dealt with so that you can get the event rolling on the right budget. They will have to be aware of the process and that they have to stay within the budget to keep on track. 6. Get the references that you need to make a good decision about the event planner that you need. You want to make sure that you have someone that is going to have former clients that are happy with their work. You want to contact these people and find out what they like and disliked about the event planner. This will help you make a better decision as to who is the right person for the job. 7. You will also need to make sure that the event planner is able to get word of your special event out there. You want them to be able to get the advertising part of the business out there for everyone to know about. You want to get as many people to your event that you can. This will mean a lot of hard work and effort to go into the great event that you have been planning and waiting for. 8. Price. This is one of the most important things that you need to consider before you hire an event planner. You want to make sure that you are getting someone that you can afford to do the job. You want to get an event planner that is going to be in your budget and also be very good. You do not want to pay for someone that you do not think will get the job done. However you also want to make sure that you are getting someone that you can trust and feel good about the price at the same time.

Home of 2bucks an ads

From: Xoftspyse Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them. Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high - traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered. I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section. In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work. I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying! Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low! To Your Online Success, Xoftspyse

Bloggers can make money using adsense

Money can now be made by sharing one’s opinion. Is this a joke? No it is for real. This is because blogs are one of the things people love to look at these days when surfing in the web. It is not that hard to make a blog. A user can download a template and put the content there or make one up using wizard. The trick to making money is being able to find a niche market. This means finding something relevant to talk about that people can relate to that can be done through research. When the blog site is ready, it is time to do one pre-flight check to make sure all the systems are working. It is such a huge turnoff when it is not user friendly enough to the public. The only way to get people to see the blog is to advertise. This means coming up with important keywords that someone will normally type so that the website will appear in a few seconds. There are many search engines on the web. The person should not be afraid of paying a small amount to be able work with some of the best in the industry such as Yahoo, Google or MSN to get more traffic. The best way to get more viewers is to narrow down the market. Some search engines have a target ad system so that those of the same interest will be informed about the person’s blog site. Google’s version is called Adsense. The system uses a java script code. When it is ready, the person will have to endorse it to the search engine for inspection. If there are no problems, this will shortly be updated to the main server. How does the person make money-using Adsense? When a site is made, Google will be the one posting ads in the site. Every time a customer buys something, the developer will get a commission from the transaction. So, more visitors turns into more revenue. The best way for people to know that such a blog exists will be to tell friends and family members about it so the word will get around. If the topic posted does not get that much attention, perhaps the issue is not that relevant anymore. Blogging is really trial and error so the person should again go back to the drawing board and come up with something better that the viewers would love to read and even tell others. There are three requirements for anyone who wishes to use Adsense. The website developed by the person must have 10 to 15 pages of relevant information. The second is that this should be user-friendly. Lastly, it must not have too many ads around because this will just distract the visitor from exploring the site any further. Studies show that the number of blogs are increasing daily. This will double or even triple as various sites are also giving members the opportunity to express opinion. It is very rare that topic for the blog will be an overnight success. There are also other people who have said something about the topic and the person has to find a way to beat the competition. The most important thing to do when it is up and running is to conduct maintenance checks and have updates regularly so that there is always something new to show to visitors.

On greatness

It’s a long way from mediocrity to excellence. So common sense would seem to indicate that it’s just as long a road from excellence to greatness. But I believe that greatness is an entirely different road that bypasses both mediocrity and excellence. Greatness is no closer to excellence than it is to mediocrity. Bill Gates is excellent; Nelson Mandela is great. Bill was busy making his first billion and putting a PC on every desk while Nelson was languishing in prison. That’s the difference. True greatness can only be born from personal tragedy. It’s not the only ingredient, but it is indispensable. Even tragedy won’t be enough without choosing the appropriate response – if you react by choosing caution and dedicating your life to avoiding further pain (as most people do), the world shrinks – you will find that you lack the imagination to find any risk worth taking, and lack the courage to take a risk even if you found it. You could definitely call me a whiner. Sometimes, anyway. Life is just too difficult and there is just too much pain - especially the emotional kind. My heart gets broken, people betray me, my hopes get dashed time and time again, I climb towards the summit time and time again only to get knocked down once more. If life could just be a little bit easier...But in my heart I know that even if it got easier I still wouldn't be satisfied. I won't be satisfied until things are ... PERFECT. I guess we all long for a perfect world. Believers wait for one, agnostics long for one, and atheists wish they could stop thinking about it. So let's do a thought experiment here - what if the world was really perfect? What if there was no war, no poverty, everyone was beatiful and healthy, we all lived forever, nobody had acne, everybody loved each other and nobody picked their nose? It's the ultimate challenge for a Professional Whiner - to find something wrong with a perfect world. But I accept the challenge. There is one thing that would be missing in a perfect word, one kind of person that heaven cannot produce. A hero. Heros are born of adversity, and since a perfect world would have no adversity, a perfect world would have no heroes, only soft, fuzzy whiners who wouldn't last 30 minutes in a Louisiana cotton field. Of course it could be argued that a perfect world would have no need of heroes. Well, this world has no real need for the Grand Canyon or the Himalaya mountains, but they sure are nice... Without fear there can be no courage. Without the possibility of betrayal there can be no real devotion to another. And without being familiar with despair, we cannot know true joy. I find something surpassingly beautiful about a strong and noble character - a nail that refuses to be pounded down. When I get depressed or upset about the way that life is treating me, I try to remember that someday I will have forever to take it easy and thrill as every dream I've ever dreamed comes true one by one. But who will I be by then? That is all being determined right now. This brief millisecond between birth and death is the only chance I'll ever have, in all of eternity, to stand strong and prove myself against adversity. I can only hope that when it's all said and done that I will have proven myself worthy.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

The soul of rustic design

Almost anything can be rustic: a home, furniture, clothing and even shoes. Rustic is country, cottage, wild gardens, earth, natural fabrics, leather, wood and poles. It is not gaudy, plastic, chrome, mass-made or stainless steel. Rustic doesn't mean ramshackle or badly made. The sometimes simplistic designs are partly deliberate and partly involuntary – the designer's make-up prevents them from creating differently. If you are a rustic person, you will understand the intangible aspects of a rustically designed item. There are thousands of alleged "rustic" products available: products that use the title and promise the design but fall short on delivery. The look, feel, smell and aesthetics don't match the title. There is no sense of the piece having a part of its maker imbued in it – a quality that cannot be polished, scrubbed or sandpapered out of it. Rustic things are made by rustic people, not by machines. If you know about rustic people, you'll have no difficulty in identifying their designs. They are calm people with peace in their eyes even in crowded places. They smell of the woods, of leather and cotton and wet petals. Children are naturally drawn to them. If you are always busy, always frenetic, you will miss them. You have to be still a while and quietly observant. Rustic is muted. Such people prefer rainy days, walking in the forest and cooking with fresh herbs. They see the hidden magic in a garden that ordinary people can't. Rustic pieces stand out. Even in a crowded mall there is something peaceful about them. It may be a bed, a flower barrel or a skirt but there will be an indelible part the maker in it - that is part of its beauty. There are no reasons for buying rustic except for kindred spirits, for understanding, for feeling. Heirlooms are rustic; they pass down well. If you want the experience, you will have to seek it out. Rescuing a rustic piece from a mall has its rewards but the true experience is watching the creation. You may visit websites with the names bentwood-, briar-, pioneer - and Mayflower, but unless you spend time with the smell of the wood shavings on the barn floor, the sound of clay being sucked from the earth, and the gentle faces, you won't find rustic and your soul will be lonely. The experience has a flow in both directions and you will get infinitely more than you give. Copyright © Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

How to make a rope hammock

Most people know that a hammock is a comfortable place to relax, read a book or sleep. Sure, you could simply go to a hammock store and buy one, but would it be great to know how to make your own rope hammock? Making your own rope hammock can be a fun how-to project to work on with your children, or just as a nice project to work on by yourself. Learning to build a hammock isn’t as difficult as you probably think, and by following the directions we have here for you, you’ll be resting on your new hammock in no time. These directions are for making a one person hammock. Here are the materials you’ll need to have: - About 740 feet of hammock cord - 2 rings that are between 2"-3" in diameter - An electric drill and the following bits: 1/4", 5/16", rose bit - Giant netting shuttle 8" x 1 1/8" X 3/16" thick - Gauge stick, Cut a piece of wood 2" wide, 6" long and 1/8 thick. - Hardwood bars (2) 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" and 33" long To start out, you need to cut a three foot piece of twine and put square knots in the end. Using a nail or hook, hang the loop. Next, load the shuttle with hammock cord. You do not want the first row to be too full. Then, tie the free end to the loop. While holding the gauge stick in your left hand, simply wrap the cord only one time around the stick. First go down the front of the stick and then up in the back. Pull the shuttle through the starting loop. Hold the shuttle cord loop tight around the gauge stick and half hitch around the starting cord on both sides. Repeat this process until you have made 20 loops around the stick. Be sure to keep it tight, but not too tight, and even. Next, remove the gauge stick by pulling it out. Rotate it, so the shuttle is on the left side. Hold the gauge stick, just under the work. Bring the shuttle cord down and up, down the front and up the back, then through the first loop and around the loop with a 1/2 hitch. Repeat through each loop, keeping it even. Before long, your shuttle will be almost gone. Reload it by adding as much cord as the shuttle will hold. Knot the free end to the end of the old cord using a secure square knot. The next step is to turn it around so you can work with the shuttle cord on the left. All you have to do now is to repeat what you did for the first row and repeat all the same steps until it's completed. Fifty-five rows should come out to about six or seven feet. After you are finished with the second row, you can now cut the starting cord and pull it free from the first row of loops. While adding rows, you will need to support it and keep it even. Next, drill twenty holes through each of the hardwood bars. Starting from the center of the bars, the holes need to be about 1 1/2" apart and should stop about 2 1/4" from the ends. Then, you will need 40 50" long cords. Loop the first through one of your rings, thread each end through the left hand hold in the bar. Knot through the top left hand loop in the hammock net. Secure each cord through the bar to the loops in the net. Repeat for other end. Because the hammock needs to sag in the middle in order to support your body comfortably, you will need to add side braids. It's not difficult to do. First we need to make two 3-cord braids from the cord. Thread one end through the outermost hole in the support bar and tie an overhand knot to secure. Continue by weaving in and out of the outside mesh. Thread through the bar at each end using the outside hole and an overhand knot. Like all hammocks, your's will most likely stretch over time and you will need to adjust the length of the cords to make up for the stretching. That's really all there is to making your very own hammock.

Improve financial health through bad credit debt consolidation

People tend to fall in debts in these days of easy availability of finance and liberal use of credit cards and as a consequence are labeled as having bad credit. Primary concern of these people is to eliminate debts as early as possible. An effective and popular way of eliminating previous debts, bad credit debt consolidation makes available required finance at easy terms and conditions to pay off debts. Lenders provide loan for bad credit debt consolidation taking into account different financial backgrounds of borrowers. Borrowers are called having bad credit for various reasons. Such borrowers may have filed for bankruptcy; they may have faced payment default cases and county court judgments. This adverse credibility is reflected in borrowers’ credit score. FICO credit score ranges from 300 to 850. A bad credit is when credit score falls to 580 and below while a score of 720 and above is considered as secure for a loan offer. Though it is obvious that you have bad credit and your credit score is in negative territory, still before going for bad credit debt consolidation, it would be better if efforts are made in improving credit score. Lenders may relax terms and conditions if seriousness towards clearing debts is evident. Pay those easy debts for credit score improvements. Bad credit debt consolidation is opted for clearing all debts in one time payment. The borrower takes loan that is at least equal to the amount of debts and pays off them either himself or through the new lender. There are many advantages of bad credit debt consolidation besides being debt free. Normally debts are of higher interest rate and therefore it results in higher monthly outgo towards installments. Since bad credit debt consolidation is done by taking a fresh lower interest rate loan, lots of money may be saved. As an alternate to monthly installments, borrowers can take a lump sum amount and clear debts in short period to save money on interest. Another method to lessen monthly installments is to pay interest only during debt consolidation loan period and pay balance at the end. At what interest rate loan for bad credit debt consolidation can be availed will depend on repaying capacity of the borrower. Though loan for debt consolidation is generally offered at lower interest rate, still if he produces proof of sound financial standing or any source of steady income, lender may considerably reduce interest rate. The biggest advantage of bad credit debt consolidation is that it enables borrowers in improving their credit score. Every monthly installment towards clearing off debts is recorded in credit report of the borrower. Prefer applying online as this way you get numerous loan offers from as many lenders. You can easily pick up suitable loan package that has lower interest rate. Bad credit debt consolidation enables you in eliminating all debts at low cost and in turn it improves credit score and credibility in the eyes of lenders. Make sure to pay monthly installments in time to avoid falling in yet another debt trap.

Define your goals and make a plan

: Defining your goals and making a plan is probably the most important task a trader can undertake. Many traders refer to their day trading plan as a trading system. That's absolutely ok; since a trading system is nothing else than a structured day trading plan. Let's take a look at the elements of a good day trading plan: · Financial Goals How much money do you want to make? How much money do you need to get started? What can you expect when trading a system? In this chapter you'll learn the answers to these questions. Defining your financial goals is extremely important, since the outcome of the next steps all depend on YOUR goals. · Selecting a market You need to determine whether you want to trade Stocks, Options, Forex or Futures. It really doesn't matter WHAT you trade, as long as you're successful. Each market has advantages and disadvantages which we will discuss here. This will make it easy to find the right market for YOU. · Selecting a timeframe In this section you will learn the differences between daytrading, short-term trading and long-term trading and how to find the best approach for YOU. · Selecting a trading style Trend-following, Swing-trading or Trend-fading? In this section you'll learn which trading style is the best for YOU. · Detailing the daytrading plan By now you know how much money you want to make, how much you are willing to risk, what market you are going to trade in which timeframe, and what trading style you'll use. In this section you will learn how to detail your plan by adding specific rules for entries and exits. But don't worry: It's easier than you think, and I already have two ready-to-use trading systems for you. Let's get started. Financial Goals The most frequently asked question of aspiring traders is "How much money can I make?" Unfortunately there's no easy answer, because it depends how much you are willing to risk. Day Trading is a function of risk and reward: The more you risk, the more you can make. Here's an easy example: Let's say you start with a $5,000 account and you're willing to risk $1,000. Now you could place a trade to go long at the opening, set a profit goal of $1,000 and a stop loss of $1,000. Let's say you investigated the market behavior in the past couple of months and realized that your chances of achieving your profit goal are 60%. Unfortunately the trade you just placed is a loser, and you lose the whole $1,000. Since this was the amount you were wiling to risk, you close your account, transfer the remaining $4,000 back in to your checking account and that's it for you. Now let's assume you wanted to risk only $100 per trade and you adjusted your profit goal to $100, too. Now you can make at least 10 trades, because only if all 10 trades are losers you'll lose the $1,000 you are willing to risk. I don't want to become too mathematical, but statistics says that the probability of having 10 losing trades in a row is less than 1%. Therefore it's highly likely that you will have a couple of winners within the 10 trades. If your trading system shows the same performance as it did in the past (60% winning percentage), you should make $200: 4 losing trades * $100 = -$400 + 6 winning trades * $100 = $600. Make sense? Compare these two options: · The risk of losing your money in scenario 1 is 40%. But if you won, you would have made $1,000. · In scenario 2 the risk of losing your money after 10 trades is less than 1%, but you have a fair chance of making $200. Therefore you need to define first how much you are willing to risk, since the amount you can make is a function of that risk. Make sense? I'll give you more specific examples later in this chapter. Keep in mind that there's a difference between the amount you need to trade and the amount you're willing to risk. Your broker is always asking your for a "margin", and you need to fund your account with that margin requirement + your risk. In our previous example you funded your account with $5,000, but you only risked $1,000. More on that later. What to expect when trading a system. There's a common misconception about what to expect when trading a system: Trading a system does NOT mean having an ATM in your front yard. There will be months when your trading system is over performing, making more money than your expected, and there are months when your trading system is underperforming. Don't assume you'll get a check at the end of each month! Here's an example: The performance report of our e-mini S&P Trading System Coin Collector shows an average profit per trade of $36 over the past 733 trades: In between March 14-21, 2005 the system was over performing and we realized $963 in profits with 17 trades. These yields to an average profit per trade of $57, way above the "expected" average profit of $36 (see below): When daytrading system you have to keep in mind that you are working with averages: If your back testing shows an average profit per trade of $36 then you can be almost sure that the system will not suddenly jump to $57 average profit per trade. In trading we have good weeks and bad weeks. Losses are part of our business. After a slow week there might be an extraordinary week. After a winning streak we will realize a loss. Looking at the performance of that week a correction was inevitable. And it happened: Tuesday, March 22nd, we realized a loss of $712.50. Such a loss hurts. You quickly forget all the nice profits of the past week and focus on the loss. You may start questioning your system and think that it stopped working, and so you stop trading. You start looking around for the next system. You don't give the system a chance to come back to "normal". You see an extraordinary week like the week from March 14 - 21, 2005 and think that you will continue making profits like this forever. When reality hits you, you stop believing. But take a look what happened after the loss. Here's the performance report of the 2 weeks combined: The "good" week and the "bad" week with the loss of $712.50: Now take a look at the first graphic with the performance the system is supposed to make. We are right on target! The average profit is back to normal, and so are the winning percentage and the profit factor. Within two weeks the daytrading system normalized itself. That's exactly what you should expect from a robust trading system. The next step is finding a market that's suitable for you. Selecting a market You can trade stocks, forex and futures. Depending on your account size "stocks" might not be an option for you, since you need at least $25,000 in your account to daytrade stocks. Forex trading is very popular, but if you are new to trading I must warn you: The Forex markets are extremely volatile, and you can easily make (or lose) thousands of dollars in a day. Many Forex brokers offer "free quotes and charts" and "no commissions", but keep in mind that nothing is for free: You are paying a spread, i. e. you can NOT buy a currency and immediately sell it for the same amount. It's like at the exchange booths that you know from your holidays: You exchange $100 into 80 Euro, but when you change the 80 Euro back into dollars, you only receive $96. Same when trading Forex: You are paying at least 2 "pips". This amounts approx. $20, depending on the currency pair you're trading. Another disadvantage of Forex trading is that you are NOT trading at an exchange: There is no "Foreign Exchange". You are trading against your broker: If you are selling, then your broker is buying from you and vice versa. And that's why your broker is giving you the quotes for free: He can basically give you *any* quote since there are no regulations. Scary, isn't it? Let's take a look at futures trading: Futures markets are regulated and you pay very low commissions. They are highly leveraged, since you can trade the whole index worth $66,500 with an account as small as $500. So you can achieve an enormous leverage of 130:1. There are many advantages, especially if you're trading the index futures: · Index Futures are traded electronically and you can enter the orders through your computer, without ever calling a broker. · You are getting very low commissions. That's important to keep your costs down and increase your bottom line. · You have a high leverage of up to 130:1. · You are trading some of the most liquid and popular markets in the world, hence you will experience little or no slippage. · Depending on your broker you might get quotes and charts for free. My recommendation: If you're new to trading I strongly recommend starting with the futures markets. It's way easier than you might think, and if you follow this guide then you'll have no problem getting started in futures trading. Selecting a timeframe Let me be brief on selecting a timeframe, since you'll figure this out very soon: When you select a smaller timeframe (less than 60min) your average profit per trade is usually relatively low. On the other hand you get more trading opportunities. When trading on a larger timeframe your profit per trade will be bigger, but you will have fewer trading opportunities. Smaller timeframes mean smaller profits, but usually smaller risk, too. When you are starting with a small trading account, then you might want to select a small timeframe to make sure that you are not overleveraging your account. Most profitable trading systems use larger timeframes like daily and weekly. These systems work, too, but be prepared for less trading action and bigger draw downs. My recommendation: Therefore I strongly recommend that you stick to smaller timeframes like 60min and below. In addition you shouldn't hold any positions overnight in your first couple of weeks of trading, so stick to daytrading. Selecting a trading style Basically there are 2 different trading styles: · Trend-following When prices are moving up, you buy, and when prices are going down, you sell. · Trend-fading (or counter-trend-trading) When prices are trading at an extreme (e. g. upper band of a channel), you sell, and you try to catch the small move while prices are moving back into normalcy. The same applies for selling. Most indicators that you will find in your charting software belong to one of these two categories: You have either indicator for identifying trends (e. g. Moving Averages) or indicators that define overbought or oversold situations and therefore offer you a trade setup for a short term swing trade. So don’t become confused by all the indicators and trading approaches that are out there. Make sure you understand what the indicator is measuring and what category it belongs to. Here are some examples of popular trading approaches: · Trend-following o Crossover of Moving Averages o Turtle Trading o Parabolics (e. g. SAR) . · Trend-fading o Overbought/Oversold Oscillators o Bollinger Bands and Channels o Turtle-Soup Trading My recommendation: In my opinion trend-fading is actually one of the best trading styles for the beginning trader to get his or her feet wet. By contrast, trend trading offers greater profit potential if a trader is able to catch a major market trend of weeks or months, but few are the traders with sufficient discipline to hold a position for that period of time without getting distracted. Detailing Your Trading Plan By now you know how much money you want to make, how much you are willing to risk, what market you are going to trade in which timeframe, and what trading style you'll use. In this section you will learn how to detail your plan by adding specific rules for entries and exits. Entry Rules Entering the market is easy. You have the following possibilities: · You can enter the market based on certain conditions, e. g. prices move above the previous day high or prices cross the 100-day moving average. · You can enter at a certain time, e. g. you are ALWAYS entering the market at the open or you are entering at noon. · A combination of both, e. g. you are entering if prices cross above the 100-day moving average, but only between 8:30am and 12:00pm. There are dozens of books, magazines and websites that offer you countless entry techniques. But as a famous trader once said: "The exit is more important than the entry". So let's take a look at exit rules. Exit Rules Lets keep it simple here, too: There are two different exit rules you want to apply: · Stop Loss Rules to protect your capital and · Profit Taking Exits to realize your profits Both exit rules can be expressed in four ways: · A fixed dollar amount (e. g. $1,000) · A percentage of the current price (e. g. 1% of the entry price) · A percentage of the volatility (e. g. 50% of the average daily movement) or · A time stop (e. g. exit after 3 days) I usually don’t recommend using a fixed dollar amount, because markets are too different. For example, natural gas changes an average of a few thousand dollars per day per contract; however, Eurodollars change an average of a few hundred dollars a day per contract. You need to balance and normalize this difference when developing a trading system and testing it on different markets. That’s why you should always use percentages for stops and profit targets (e. g. 1% stop) or a volatility stop instead of a fixed dollar amount. A time stop gets you out of a trade if it is not moving in any direction, therefore freeing your capital for other trades. Other Elements Entry and Exit Rules are the basic elements of your trading plan, and if you have a rather small account then that's all you need to get started. Later you want to add additional elements like · Money Management How much money are you going to risk per trade? When do you increase the contract size? · Diversification How many contracts will you trade with ONE day trading strategy? When will you add a second strategy? What kind of strategy? In which markets will you diversify? · Payouts When will you start withdrawing money from your trading account? How much? All these elements are becoming important when your account size grows, but in the beginning you can omit these elements to make it easier. Author’s name Markus Heitkoetter Author's Info: Markus Heitkoetter is a 19 year veteran of the markets and the CEO of Rockwell Trading. For more free information and tips and trick how to make consistent profits with online daytrading, visit his website rockwelltrading.